Giving women everywhere a bad name...

Camelyn said:
um...ewwwww! Icky pictures in head. Quick, put on Evil Dead! I need violence and blood-letting to wash my mind clean!

Now, now...Just close your eyes and imagine his nether regions...:grinyes:

Camelyn said: is a little tight. I can offer you my undying gratitude, some coupons to Burger King *searches through pocket lint* and some Canadian Tire money. Oh! Found a buck! :D

:confused: Canadian Tire money? :confused:
Camelyn said: is a little tight. I can offer you my undying gratitude, some coupons to Burger King *searches through pocket lint* and some Canadian Tire money. Oh! Found a buck! :D

Yeesh.........gettin' a decent gig as an axe wielding hitman is getttin' tougher and tougher :(

Think of all the expenses.......grindstone to keep a sharp edge.......a new hickory shaft every five years......and my laundry bill for removing bloodstains is just horrendous :eh:

But, seeing as this job is for the head of Lionel Richie......I'll do it for the pocket lint ;)
Stop Laughing said:
Damn, I wanted the pocket lint, you can have the Burger King coupons. :p

Riiight, I'll look a right plank while trying to sharpen me axe on a least the lint can be traded for something usefull :evilcool: