Global warming, global cooling

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since obama got elected, I've seen the left come out more in Shep.
just an observation

I think that's why he got hot about Beck
The difference is that all the other news networks make attempts (even if they fail) at objectivity. Fox doesn't even bother.

You want objective news about America? Well then you probably need to get it from a reputable source like the BBC.
When it comes to American news, they are! During the Iraq war a lot of folks turned to them because they wanted to know what was happening, not what the networks wanted us to know. In England a lot of folks trust the BBC more than their government. The BBC has a long history of journalistic excellence. Nothing is perfect, but they have no real insentive to put spin on our news.
‘It’s a concern that I think is widely felt among many climate scientists in Australia,’’ he said. He referred to sceptics’ claims that the earth was cooling and that solar flares and sunspots were responsible for increasing warming, not human-caused emissions from burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests. ‘‘These arguments keep being recycled even though they have been rebutted in public many times,’’ Dr Raupach said. ‘‘We felt the need to state the evidence-based position as we see it.’’
do you mean time, oh precious time, that you're wasting posting krap here?

Guess again.

Hint, the UN states that it is the most pressing issue on the world stage and of the utmost importance for Earth's entire population. Yet you waste it every day when you recycle.

Positive ecological principles on one end always have negative ecological effects on the other end.
okay well then why don't you just enlighten us here?

or are you worried about coming too soon?

by the way it's gotten cooler here over the last few days, so again based on your logic, there is now no such thing as global warming.
okay well then why don't you just enlighten us here?

The answer is WATER. You waste water every time you rinse out a recyclable container so it can subsequently be ground up and thrown into a smelter or plastics reconstitution equipment.

The UN states that fresh water will be the primary future concern facing all of the people of Earth, especially in third world countries, but especially Africa.




by the way it's gotten cooler here over the last few days, so again based on your logic, there is now no such thing as global warming.

Just like a good little Lefty. Take what someone says and take it to the farthest extreme possible.

I never said that there was no such thing as global warming. I believe in global warming just as I believe in global cooling and just as I believe in stable global temperatures when there is neither.

What I have said is that I do not believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming. It is a hoax. It is a way to scare the masses into surrendering their freedoms to the control an overarching government.

Global warming and cooling are natural and not man made.

I notice that everyone avoided my question I posed earlier. I guess the answers to the hard questions are to be avoided at all costs.

I reiterate:

We got rid of CFCs and the ozone hole is still there. It was there before CFCs but that's another story. Why isn't it gone if we can have an effect on the environment?

I know the real answer so if you need me to I can give it to you.
Water doesn't get wasted, it gets contaminated. Let it evaporate and come back as precipitation and voila! If you need it faster re-purify it. I think you need your head checked.
Not that it matters, your government is about to claim ALL water - your pond, your well, that spring in the, they have authority, ask 2minkey & rja...

WASHINGTON, D.C., July 22, 2009 – Legislation that would remove the word “navigable” from the Clean Water Act (CWA) and allow the Corps of Engineers and Environmental Protection Agency to regulate all interstate and intrastate waters could put farmers in “regulatory quicksand,” according to Missouri Farm Bureau President Charlie Kruse.

Water doesn't get wasted, it gets contaminated. Let it evaporate and come back as precipitation and voila! If you need it faster re-purify it. I think you need your head checked.

You've got a hell of a lot of heads to examine then. You can start with the entire UN including UNICEF.

They state that the amount of potable fresh water is sorely lacking in most if the third world. They state that the water issue is a worldwide human tragedy as thousands a day die of starvation and dehydration due to the lack of fresh water for irrigation and drinking.

Every time you rinse out a recyclable container for recycling you WASTE that water as it serves no real use other than to appease your olfactories. There are droughts all over the country, reservoirs at all time lows, local water restrictions in place, and you are rinsing out your garbage. Ain't you a prince.

Hopefully, this cooler summer and the abundant rains will help to fill those reservoirs so you can continue your wasteful ways unabated.
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