Re: Re: Global Warming, is it simply CO2 at fault?
Aunty Em said:
ol' man said:
I want to see what people believe about global warming.
If you stopped pontificating there'd be a lot less of it...
The "greenhouse" effect is a natural phenomenon - if it didn't exist this planet would have been too cold for life to exist - you can find that fact in any good ecology book... I'm surprised you didn't mention that since it's the arguement most people use to poo-poo the idea of global warming...
In addition, you give me "facts" with no supporting scientific evidence, plus you present me with an article expressing one man's opinion, also with no supporting evidence or references... (no scientific conclusion can be reached on such biased and limited resources).
Marks: D- ... not much of a scientist... must try harder...
It was the first one that popped up. You want more? Search yourself. The first country to push it was Margret Thatcher. Why?
Nukes and other agenda's. I don't think he has to be scientist to understand politics.
Anyway some people argue that the earth is warming because of CO2 and others argue that the earth is warming cause of increase solar activity over the last 150 years from a period of no sunspot activity. Increased warming would cause the oceans to give up alot of CO2 stored in it and it would happen very fast.
The usual data to show how much the CO2 levels have risen over the past 400,000 years uses vostak measurements. I am in quartenary biology right now which deals completely with climate change and it shows many different scenerios.
This is what affect temperature has on CO2 levels in ocean water with increasing/decreasing temperature.
Notice when the temp goes up the CO2 levels go down in the sea. Where do you think the CO2 goes when the temps go up?
Here is my interpretation of what is happening in terms of CO2 levels.
Temp of ocean is yellow line pink line is ocean CO2 levels. As you can see over the long run CO2 levels are increasing in the ocean as ocean temps decrease.
If you look on any bi annual graph of CO2 levels in any part of the world you will see that in winter the levels of CO2 go down in the atmosphere only to rise again in the summer.
I think the major rise in CO2 levels is from increased temps of the ocean which is allowing it to release more CO2. My quartenary bio teacher has said that oceans are still warming from the last major ice age that ended 11,000 years ago. One must under stand the mass of the oceans. Lately the incidence of sunspots has increased dramatically and the cycles have been getting closer together which gives the oceans less time to cool down. It makes sence that the oceans are going to release more CO2 and not have the ability to absorb as much in the short run. In the long run though it will reach equilibrium eventually and then global CO2 levels will start a slow decent.
This reasoning says that CO2 levels are controlled more by the suns activity with respect to the natural ocean buffer.
Any glass of distilled water with a pH of 7 left open to the atmosphere will in the matter of probably only a day or two have a pH of around 6 cause of the influx of CO2 into the water by this equation.
CO2(g) + H2O <---> [H2CO3](aq)<---->H+(aq) + HCO3-(aq)
Do you under stand what I am saying in this regard? Putting ions such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ in it will only allow it to absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere. This is the reason why the deep ocean holds so much of this gas in ionic form.
Global Warming IMHO is a political tool used by Nuclear proliferators in the early 80's to gain support for reactors and in the late 80's early 90's to lower the GDP of Industrialized countries and increase it for other countries. Mainly since the US has by far the biggest GDP naturally they want to go after the US's cash and this is exactely what the kyoto treaty had planned. It was a undermining attempt at globalization IMHO. It would ahve done nothing to reduce CO2 emissions. In fact it gave developing nations the right to produce more CO2 and the more developed ones had to produce less otherwise they had to pay the less developed nations cash for the excess in CO2 produced.
Like I said naturally since the US has a GDP of 9.9 trillion and China coming in second with 4.4 trillion the world has went after the US to start forking out cash.
The plan in the end is to reduce the standard of living for the US and increase it for other countries. Kinda like a little global socialism. Problem with that is there are countries that want to attack the US and take it over. I have no doubts they would kill every last one of us if they could. Decreasing the cash ability of the US would allow other waring countries to build up their arsenal and eventually take us over which I hope the US gov is seeing and I am sure they do. This is the reason why much of the rest of the world is against the US. It boils down to jealousy for our wealth. The world has alot of globalist/socialists and the numbers grow every day. I feel until we all can get along then there is no room for globalization.