New Member
I call upon all you good folk here at OTC to start releasing more of the CO2 gas! It was 45 degrees(°) (ya make a degree sign by hitting alt+248 on the num pad) above zero here! Wheeee! Our founding fathers said, "40 below keeps the riff-raff out", but I say fuck the riff-raff, let em in, (they's more fun than the retards tha're sane here..)so we can have our 40 degree Januarys!!
CO2 warms the global, so they say, so either open more beers, or sodas (preferrabbllyy Pepsi produits, since I'm a Pepsi employee) and warm dem globals!!
CO2 warms the global, so they say, so either open more beers, or sodas (preferrabbllyy Pepsi produits, since I'm a Pepsi employee) and warm dem globals!!