Go Joe


molṑn labé
Staff member
a Dem no mo

Three-term Sen. Joe Lieberman fell to anti-war challenger Ned Lamont in Connecticut's Democratic primary Tuesday, a race seen as a harbinger of sentiment over the conflict that has claimed the lives of more than 2,500 U.S. troops in Iraq.

Unbowed, Lieberman immediately announced he would enter the fall campaign as an independent. Only six years ago, Lieberman was the Democrats' choice for vice president.

This can't be true. Everyone knows the late term anti-power party whiplash effect. The demicrats should be vaccuming up power positons left and right and sweeping the house by a 130 seat majority.
unclehobart said:
This can't be true. Everyone knows the late term anti-power party whiplash effect. The demicrats should be vaccuming up power positons left and right and sweeping the house by a 130 seat majority.

Speaks volumes about their platform that they aren't, now doesn't it?

By and large, they offer no solutions, only point out what they perceive as the problems. That sells OK in day to day soundbites, but usually fails to hold water when the time comes to cast a ballot. Then we start all over again, second verse same as the first, with the same old power brokers running the same old scams past the same old sheep.

But at least we're a "Union", huh? I know that makes me feel better about it.
A union some of us try to fix instead of wishing for a different outcome 140 years ago.
Try away. Been broke too long.

Back on topic *gasp*, is there a declared demorat anywhere in the country who can accept the fact that they lost an election?
SouthernN'Proud said:
Try away. Been broke too long.

Back on topic *gasp*, is there a declared demorat anywhere in the country who can accept the fact that they lost an election?

How about coming out and say they lost...
when the democrats actually run a candidate that i can conscionably vote for.... i'm gonna buy a lottery ticket.
Nah. Zell is a yellow dog democrat. No true tax and spend democrat considers him to be a democrat other than in name only.