

New Member
Does anybody here raise goats? I bought 10 Boer goats and 5 Nubian goats today and will pick them up on Saturday. This is the first time I've ever raised goats, so the next few weeks at my place should be interesting.
Boer goats? As in boerbokke? Bad tempered things, with curled horns (curled back from the face, almsot like it's sleeked back like a comb over or summin) and a little tuft of white under the chin? Eats anything in site? Makes a helluva noise and fights by knocking their heads into each other?

What on earth do you want to do with goats?

And why do I have a sudden image of you yoddling in my head?
I just can't get the image out of my head of the medium-sized man butting heads with a ram, fighting over a bottle of Mountain Dew.
AT - yep, that's them. The Nubians are all does, but one of the Boers is a buck. I want goats to breed and raise them to sell. Around here Boers sell for anywhere from $50 each to $1000, depending on their age and bloodline.

Inky - Haha . . . that commercial gives me a headache! :D
Here's a Boer:

It's just funny - I never realised you got them outside South Africa. My dad's aunt used to raise the stuff, I was scared to death of them when I was small - she had this one particularly bad tempered billygoat that used to storm the fence if it just looked like you were breathing to close to the thing.

Mind you - chickens scared me when I was small :rolleyes:
:lol: - stupid things used to chase me around, pecking at my feet when I was trying to feed them.......must be why I enjoy eating them so much - revenge is sweet :D
Sharky said:
Here's a Boer:

:lol2: Okay, something else that's pretty funny, in South Africa - in Afrikaans - Boer = Farmer! LOL

Chickens are a "normal" phobia... how about a phobia of say moths... now that's one I can't understand! :p
jerk goat mun! :rasta:

or you can do whats more and more trendy now, milk em and make cheese. raw milk goat cheese is popular with the yuppie set now.
never order milk at a restaurant in another country until you have a vague idea about that part of their culture....warm goats milk comes as a nasty surprise to an 8 year old.....
AlphaTroll said:
Mind you - chickens scared me when I was small :rolleyes:

You must have met my pet rooster then. Horrid thing used to chase me around and peck me on the ankles. It used to *hide* from me dammit, and jump me when I wasn't looking. Evil thing.

Don't get me started on the goat.... :eek13:
tonks said:
never order milk at a restaurant in another country until you have a vague idea about that part of their culture....warm goats milk comes as a nasty surprise to an 8 year old.....

It's an aquired taste and comes as a bit of a shock to any age if you're used to cows milk! :lol:

I'm intolerant to cow's milk, but I can't stand goats milk in my tea or coffee so I drink it black.
tonks said:
hey sharky...if you get bored with them, i hear they make an excellent barbeque....

hehe - that's what the Nubians are for. That and the milk - one of my neighbor ladies is going to teach Precious how to make cheese. I am covertly working on plans for a barbecue pit in the back yard . . . :D