God are we lazy!

Umm, wow. Just wow.

I did that deal this weekend. Only took a couple hours, and the kidlet loved it. Why would you sacrifice that?
HomeLAN said:
Umm, wow. Just wow.

I did that deal this weekend. Only took a couple hours, and the kidlet loved it. Why would you sacrifice that?

Because you're still trying to get your Xbox360 hooked up right.
Most of my decorations are up except the lights which will be done this week. I did all myself and it took me about an hour or so.
We'll do the tree this coming weekend, and I still have to light the bushes, but the inside stuff is done, the windows are lit, and the front walk is lit.
omg: :rofl2:

Tis the season to...to...to...to, well I forget but tis the damned season anyway. Hey, didja get that Barco Lounger like I told ya?
The company has put up elaborate displays with hundreds of thousand of lights that cost up to $75,000. But the average initial cost is $1,500 to $2,000, Nyffeler said.
Je-sus. Pay me that much money, I'll get up on a ladder and decorate your house for you. My brother and I used to climb out on the roof and up the tree in our front yard every year to do the decorating.

“They don’t mow their lawn, they don’t do their landscaping, they don’t paint their houses,” he said of the typical customers. “And they don’t put up Christmas lights.”
Lazy and rich. They probably have maid service too and an interior decorator. Isn't part of owning a house maintaining it and putting your own personality into it?
Short on time, leery of ladders and lacking expertise for sometimes-elaborate lighting displays, homeowners are opening their wallets and hiring others do the work.

This is the third year that Gendron has hired Lucas Tree Experts, a Portland tree service company that installs Christmas lighting and decorations for homeowners and businesses during the holiday season.

When it gets closer to Christmas, Gendron and his family will trim indoor and outdoor trees for the festivity and pleasure of it, while also enjoying the lights and wreaths put up by Lucas Tree.

“These people are professionals at what they do, much like we’re professionals at what we do,” said Gendron, who owns a commercial real estate firm. “We’re not able to do what they do as well as they can do it.”
:rofl: The Gendron clan has invaded the world!! :)

In all seriousness...we're still young(ish) and able to do our own. Not everyone can...my father, for instance calls me to get his lights up cause he damn well better be wary of ladders. His roof is pretty high off the ground!

I'm also his 'mover', occasionally his plumber, electrician etc...

Guess that not everyone can get their kids or friends to help, eh?
I don't do my own yardwork, either. Spending several hours with a swollen face praying for death due to the allergic reaction doesn't seem like a favorable cost/benefit to me. I also don't paint my house. Knowing I hate the job, I was smart enough to buy brick.

However, this is just stupid. Skipping 2 hours a year that actually help put you in the holiday mood? What other traditions have these folks managed to convert into sterile chores?
HomeLAN said:
I don't do my own yardwork, either. Spending several hours with a swollen face praying for death due to the allergic reaction doesn't seem like a favorable cost/benefit to me. I also don't paint my house. Knowing I hate the job, I was smart enough to buy brick.

However, this is just stupid. Skipping 2 hours a year that actually help put you in the holiday mood? What other traditions have these folks managed to convert into sterile chores?

Do you really want my to chew up all of Sam's bandwidth for the month with a list like that?
Chalk it up to "lazy" on my part, but at age 60, neither my hubby or myself should be climbing ladders. We just wrap the trees and bushes with lights, hang stuff from branches that we can reach and let it go at that. Icicle lights off the roof no longer have any allure --- LOL.
Over here people tend to settle for putting out a christmas wreath on the front door. Maybe throw some lights on a nearby tree. Perhaps also some lights on the rails of the.. uhm.. the.. we say veranda.

They seem to get more into the decorating thing though. If stores are a sellin', folks are gonna be buyin'. But not me. I think it's tacky, and I will not sway from that opinion until I have lots of money to waste. Yep.
HomeLAN said:
I don't do my own yardwork, either. Spending several hours with a swollen face praying for death due to the allergic reaction doesn't seem like a favorable cost/benefit to me. I also don't paint my house. Knowing I hate the job, I was smart enough to buy brick.

However, this is just stupid. Skipping 2 hours a year that actually help put you in the holiday mood? What other traditions have these folks managed to convert into sterile chores?

Two words...Dust mask. I have bad grass allergies as well, and a good dust mask can, and should, be non-disposable. Just remember to change the filters from time to time. ;)
I just wanna say that if Rob wants to hire a contractor to place ornaments on that damn church steeple of his, I'm not gonna gainsay him.
Gato_Solo said:
Two words...Dust mask. I have bad grass allergies as well, and a good dust mask can, and should, be non-disposable. Just remember to change the filters from time to time. ;)

2 additional words - fogged glasses. I don't do contacts, and masks of any type WILL fog my lenses if I'm sweating. BTDT.

Walking into a tree because I can't see doesn't sound fun, either.
HomeLAN said:
2 additional words - fogged glasses. I don't do contacts, and masks of any type WILL fog my lenses if I'm sweating. BTDT.

Walking into a tree because I can't see doesn't sound fun, either.

That's wierd. You don't usually get fogging unless you go full-face. :confused:
HomeLAN said:
Walking into a tree because I can't see doesn't sound fun, either.

Yes it does! Oh, wait... you meant fun for YOU. :D

I know what you mean about figged glasses, though. those kinds of masks result in that for me,too -- perfect for cleaning up around concrete dust.
OK, in a scene where the home owner has a legitimate inability to decorate, AND has no one to lend a helping hand, AND just absolutely MUST do the house up like some circus festival, then hire someone.

I don't think anyone is compelled to put on an elaborate display though. Last I checked, it was optional. If help is required to do the basics and no other options exist (which I find unlikely, but hey) then hire someone to do it. Otherwise, it's stupid, unnecessary, flamboyant, and wasteful. And fuckin lazy.