Going .com

How about this one?

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.com

Look at this smilie: --> :headbang: <--

When someone puts this ^^^ smilie in a post, they are not being mean. If they put in :grumpy: or :mad:, then they'd intend to sound mean, but definitely not with :headbang:


Seriously, though, if all you have is a request to make us come up with the name for a site, then it really wouldn't be very fun. We just bullshit around most of the time here. Look at popular threads like the 1000 post thread, or the unbelievably long story thread. This isn't a computer forum or an internet help forum, this is a BULLSHITTING forum! :headbang:

At least, the Lunatic Lounge is anyway...