Golf anyone?


New Member
Am I the only one here that follows golf? Izzthere any hope of finding a kindred spirit to shoot the shinola with and talk shit about Tiger?

The Brit Open is about to start. St Andrews. Cruel-ass course. There are like 250 deep hole bunkers that are all individually named.. and only half of them curse words.
I will watch the last 4 or 5 holes of a major if 1) I remember it's on and 2) I have absolutly nothing else to do. And I won't turn off Sports Center if they are talking about golf (it can't last forever ya know, they are bound to talk about a real sport sooner or later).
I'm guessing he means under the influence of Rob, but after seeing how full that beer fridge stays, I dunno...
I don't "follow" golf, but I appreciate the skill involved and will watch some from time to time. Golf courses are peaceful, especially compared to your typical NBA arena. I do have a couple of guys I like to see do well, and neither of them are named Tiger, Mickelson, Singh, or Sergio.

I miss the flair that Payne Stewart brought to the tournaments.
I appreciate the skill, but I used to race motorcycles. Golf seems a little placid from my POV. My cousin is a scratch golfer though. When I used to play some he fixed my slice.
I golf, but I won't watch it. Brings up feelings of inadequacy. I have a good short game, and passable putting, but I can't hit long for shit. :mope:
I watch it from time to time, can't say I really follow it. Do like to see the final round of the big tourneys as long as Tiger or someone else isn't ahead by 20+ strokes.

Love to play the game, wish I had more time to.

Unc, ever go to a tourney? I can't quite grasp the mentality of standing on the sidelines while a small hard projectile goes flying by you at 100+ mph. At least they put up plexi at hockey games.
Going to the tournament itself has a fun level in direct correlation with any other mass spectator sport. You get the mass adrenaline from large crowds as you would from other sports... but the crowds are much nicer, quiet, reserved, rich-ish, and the women try to outdo each other on tight, revealing clothing.

Since the whole thing is spread out over such a large area, there are 10 times as many bathrooms... so you never run into a superfoul portapotty.

In golf, you can stake out one position and allow the crowds to pass over you in waves as they try to stick with a few of the top notch players through their entire round. You sit there and get a position within 15 feet of where 100 semi celebrities and 50 big celebrities will pass within an arms reach. That doesn't even happen in basketball.

The golfing locations tend to be in a more rural setting. That means you wont have to wade through throngs of professional panhandlers on the way to your car.

If you actually can score some upper grade passes, you can hang out in booths over the 17th and 18th greens and have full service hoity-toity catering of fine foods and free booze whilst chatting it up with powerful CEOs of god-knows-what-company.
Inkara1 said:
I'm guessing he means under the influence of Rob, but after seeing how full that beer fridge stays, I dunno...

The cupboard was looking pretty bare by the time I left.
personally, i've never understood the allure of golf and cant fathom why anyone would watch it on TV.
i do enjoy going to the driving range though.
Spot said:
personally, i've never understood the allure of golf and cant fathom why anyone would watch it on TV.
i do enjoy going to the driving range though.

Yup. There's no better way to unwind after a tough day dealing with idiots, than beating hell outta a basket of small, innocent white balls. 'Specially if you slice as bad as I do, and every fourth one rings off the barriers.
Spot said:
personally, i've never understood the allure of golf and cant fathom why anyone would watch it on TV.
i do enjoy going to the driving range though.
I feel the same way about baseball, basketball, tennis, NASCAR.......
I look at it like this. If it involves a ball of some sort, AND Jimmy Connors never made a living playing it, AND you are allowed to use your hands, I can watch it to some degree. Figure skating, competitive swimming/diving, gymnastics, or anything else with a subjective scoring system is not a sport; it is a competition. Automobile racing I do enjoy but not like I once did. It is much more enjoyable in person and at the local track than on TV. Bowling, golf, or anything else I can do at the Y is more recreation to me. Basketball is tolerable, even enjoyable during the NCAA tournament. Baseball and football are like oxygen...gotta have it in large doses.

Your mileage may vary.