Gone till the 10th

:D Just so you don't think i've disappeared on you guyz, moving house and Telewest (gotta love em) can't hook up my broadband/TV/Phone till the 10th :rolleyes: so i'm leaving tomorrow, but my services may be cut off sooner :D Have a good next week everyone! I'll be having the shakes :D:headbang:
I just spent 10 days away from the comp and there was nothing to it. My howls of withdrawal barely disturbed my neighbors at all.
Damn I feel sorry for you Justin. They have those internet cafe's over there, don't they? I mean sure, 6 bucks for a cafe latte is high, but you do get internet access while you're drinking it, so it sounds like a fair deal to me. Well, anyway, good luck.
I was wondering when that was going to happen... Congrats again on the new digs, you must be excited! I'm sure you'll find plenty to do with the place for 10 days. Get down and start scrubbin boy!

If you need a garden planted, just give me a plane ticket and I'm there! :D
Justintime said:
Oh, and no one break otc in the meantime, looks at luis:hmm: :laugh:

*looks back*
You're trying to punish me for those days i was in Leon, don't you? ;)

Take care bud.