

Major contributor!
That's right! I've outta here!

Away from complaining customers, away from neighbors sticking their noses in our business, away from little old ladies who think they know more about computers than me, AWAY FROM PEOPLE!

I'm going snow shoeing up ont he east side of Mt. Hood. NOBODY WILL BE THERE!!! NOBODY WILL BOTHER ME!!!

:D :D :D

I'm taking this new Canon EOS Rebel with me and my digital cameras so hopefully the weather will cooperate and I'll get some great shots in.

Two days and I"M FUCKING GONE!!!!!!!!!

:D :D :D

Now, back to listening to some Queensryche Operation Mindcrime.
Four days of being snow bound in the Tilly Jane A frame cabin.

Love to sam but I think the misses would ummmmm NOT like that idea. :D :D :D
ahh you better ask her first, up on a mt. with 2 strapping young lads as ourselves. she might surprise ya...:D
Queensryche rocks.

Jammin to some Joe Satriani now. The Extremist.

I can think of anything better to listen to when packing a backpack. :D
Biatch!!! I wanna go too.
Snow... heavy at times... will drop 3 to 5 inches of snow tonight northwest of a line from Knox... to Albion... to Coldwater. One to three inches will be possible southeast of that line. West winds of 20 to 35 mph with gusts to 50 mph will create significant blowing and drifting snow. The winds will also be strong enough to break tree limbs... possibly resulting in power outages.
Yeah....I bet. :D Sorry. Those particular pics I keep for myself. :D :D

Looking at this pack....and thinking about the 1500 foot incline over 2 miles....I beginnning to think I'm gonna killmyself...

FUCK IT! Better to die on breakin' trail than to die here. :lol:

I've got a 128MB, 64MB, 16MB, and a little itty bitty 8MB stick od Smart Media. Should get a bunch of great shots in.

Some kick ass sunsets, shots of the peak, shots of the crag rats (those are the guys who do mountain rescue up on the east side...crazy fuckers. :D ), shots of the cabin, shots of me and the misses...wait..no, you can't see those. :D
take care postcode :) have a great trip hope you can get some rest. well keep the fires here warm for ya. later