good going!

I'm Super Moderator... I am unable to spam. Everything I say has great importance and meaning. I never ramble on and on and on and on about something forever until I forget what I am discussing.... why, just last week I ate about 6 ounces of sugar in my cereal, and yet my dog didn't run away. And.... ?(

edit: Fixed avatars. Sorry about that :eek:

You can go ahead and let people know it's here to test now, Sam has given us the green light
yep you can start letting people know its here so we can see what this forum can take. :D
I wouldn't mind being a mod but nobody would probably vote for me. I didn't like being one at Xi because of some problems that went on before I became one.
I have discussed it with Fury and got the impression he doesn't like the idea of me being a mod, so count me out of the running. However, I will be here as a member.
Well, I made it, verrrrrry nice! Good job and thanks guys for all the effort and generosity in putting this all together. :)
Wull thank yuh, thank yuh verrrrra muuch! :D

Seems to be a lot of traffic already!
If I gave you that impression, s4, I apologize. I have no problem with you as a mod, especially since you're so active over at the other place and will probably be nominated and voted in pretty quickly.

My sig there contains "OTC: You know you want it" with the letters OTC being this link:


[eery legal safety mindset]

However you want to put your sig, though, we can't have any affiliation, express or implied, with them even hinted at anywhere, in signatures, in posts, et al, for legal reasons.

OTCentral is, as far as its team of staff members as of this posting (fury, samcurry, sbcanada) are concerned, completely independent from any site with the exception that it is hosted on the account.

[/eery legal safety mindset]

Have a beer on me!
I wouldn't count on me being voted in quickly or at all. :D

You've done a nice job of designing the forum. It looks great. I'm not sure if I like the logo, but it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that what once was only a pipe dream is now reality. Fury is quite correct that whoever is in management of this site must be careful not to even give the hint that this site is associated with HWC. I was thinking of putting in my signature "Visit OTCentral for all your off topic needs" and have a link on the word OTCentral.