Good news


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Congressional Democrats are eyeing a little-known, Clinton-era law as a way to reverse Bush administration midnight regulations — even ones that have already taken effect.

It’s a move that would undermine the White House’s attempt to finalize its energy and environmental regulations by November so that Barack Obama couldn’t undo them after he’s sworn in as the 44th president on Jan. 20.

“Fortunately, [the White House] made a mistake,” said a top Senate Democratic aide.

Last May, White House chief of staff Joshua Bolten instructed federal agency heads to make sure any new regulations were finalized by Nov. 1. The memo didn’t spell it out, but the thinking behind the directive was obvious. As Myron Ebell of the conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute put it: “We’re not going to make the same mistakes the Clinton administration did.”

President Bill Clinton finalized regulations within 60 days of the 2001 inauguration, meaning Bush could come in and easily reverse them.

It could take Obama years to undo climate rules finalized more than 60 days before he takes office — the advantage the White House sought by getting them done by Nov. 1. But that strategy doesn’t account for the Congressional Review Act of 1996.

The law contains a clause determining that any regulation finalized within 60 legislative days of congressional adjournment is considered to have been legally finalized on the 15th legislative day of the new Congress, likely sometime in February. Congress then has 60 days to review it and reverse it with a joint resolution that can’t be filibustered in the Senate.

In other words, any regulation finalized in the last half-year of the Bush administration could be wiped out with a simple party-line vote in the Democrat-controlled Congress.
if the democrats could stop whining about environmental regulations and start talking more about real investments in business and the economy, they would not seem like such a bunch of weenies all the time.
I wonder if the democrats are gonna bring back all the china and households that Clinton left with too.
Good times:

On leaving office, Clinton White House staffers left a trail of vandalism, including the letter W – as in George W. Bush – removed from computer keyboards.

Fox News reported some of the missing W's had been taped atop 12-foot-tall doorways, others left lying on their broken springs or simply scratched out.

The middle initial in Bush's name – he is known colloquially as "Dubya" – became a symbol in his successful campaign for the presidency, with Bush often holding up three middle fingers signifying W.

The new president's staff members had to get busy replacing the missing W's before they could get down to work Monday.

In addition to vandalized keyboards, unflattering graffiti was discovered scrawled on walls.

Workmen hastened to repaint the offices even as Bush was on Capitol Hill taking the oath of office.

Miscellaneous contents of staffers' desk drawers had been dumped and scattered about office floors.

Historically, political appointees working on a president's staff have treated "the people's house" with respect, even awe.

Defacing or causing even the slightest physical damage to the White House and adjoining complex, all considered part of the White House, was heretofore regarded as unthinkable.

Destroying government property is a federal offense.

During the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower, one senior aide used to keep a close eye on the staff as he moved about the White House.

He was known for his routine question – and there had better be a good answer: "What have you done for your country today?"

Using the White House mailing privilege for personal letters then could be a firing offense.

When Lyndon B. Johnson was president, he would gesture to small black holes in the cork tiles bordering the sculpted Oval Office carpet and grumble:

"Ike and his [blankety-blank] golf shoes!"

During the energy crunch, President Jimmy Carter went around the White House switching off lights in unoccupied rooms and turning up the air-conditioning thermostats.

An aide in a previous administration was overcome with a sense of history when he was assigned an office in the majestic Old Executive Office Building – known during World Wars I and II as the War and State Building.

With pride he would point out to visitors that the foyer of his office was the reception room in which, during President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration, Secretary of State Cordell Hull turned the air blue with Tennessee curses while dressing down the Japanese ambassador on Pearl Harbor Day.

In the recent administration of Bill Clinton, the Oval Office was used by the president for his sexual liaisons with a White House intern named Monica Lewinsky.

A president's attitude toward the historic national premises entrusted to his temporary care is usually reflected by his White House staff.

Mass removal of W's from keyboards was a symbolic way for Clinton's staff to display their lack of regard for his successor, whose presidency some Clinton partisans have denounced as "illegitimate."


(05-19) 04:00 PST Washington -- Accounts that departing Clinton administration officials destroyed office equipment and committed other acts of vandalism in the White House during the presidential transition were significantly overblown, a manager at the General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, said yesterday.

The General Services Administration found nothing unusual about the condition of White House offices after Clinton officials left, and President Bush's staff said it had no records that indicated damage or subsequent repair work, the accounting office manager said.
if the democrats could stop whining about environmental regulations and start talking more about real investments in business and the economy, they would not seem like such a bunch of weenies all the time.

Bush's environmental policy has been a disaster. It needs to be corrected.
or gravy, depending on your perspective.

mmmmm.... gravy.....

It is a shame that even your attempts to change the subject can be shown to be wishful thinking.