Good vs Evil

Is man born ...?

  • Evil

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Good

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Don't know/No opinion/Neither

    Votes: 6 54.5%

  • Total voters
There should be a choice for 'either'. I think things happen during gestation that influence the personality. some in good ways...some in bad ways.
I think we are born evil, but learn to conform to society at a very early age. On second thought, I don't know if I'd call it evil, just self-serving.:confuse3:
since a baby can't comprehend good and evil, and since it can't even comprehend what is good in the eyes of society, and since it hasn't done anything yet that can make it be evil in our eyes, it must be born as good.

whether a person is good or evil is determined by his actions done in life.

personally i wonder what the intention of this poll was, it's a pretty useless question in my opinion :confuse3:
good vs evil...

must be a questioon about comic books.

personally i root for your friendly neighbourhood spider man...

but you know, some of these dudes have more of a personality than the all-american superman.

not that i've kept up in recent years :(
Only a religious fanatic (or a radical environmentalist, which is the same thing) could look at a baby and think of it as evil.
i think nurture rather than nature bears more influence on the human capacity for good or evil.
i think we're all born good.
explain the innocence of childhood.
people can be corrupted.
i believe we're born good, because if we were all born evil, signs of corruption would be immediate.
ash r said:
i think we're all born good.
explain the innocence of childhood.
people can be corrupted.
i believe we're born good, because if we were all born evil, signs of corruption would be immediate.
like a baby crying? Crying like there is no tomorrow. Refusing to drink milk. Grow up a few weeks and they start destroying things. Good my ass...
Sure, a baby looks innocent, and they are, to an extent. But a baby is born self serving. Self serving and evil usually go hand in hand as adults, so unless that baby recieves the right kind of upbringing, chances are it will be evil. So, are they born evil or not?
babies cannot exist without their incessant wailing. it's not a mental issue, it's not with their social skills, it's basic instinct for survival.
i think that because of that, they are automatically pardoned.
PuterTutor said:
But a baby is born self serving. Self serving and evil usually go hand in hand as adults

A child is born with certain needs and being helpless it requires someone else to serve those needs. That's in the nature of things. Part of growing up is learning to take on the responsibility of caring for oneself. That so many children don't learn that these days isn't because they're inherently evil, it's because their parents have this altruistic notion of parenthood as self-sacrifice. They dote on the child well into his teens and make him think that the universe revolves around him, and that everyone else exists to serve him.

That's not what I would call self-serving, though. It's damn sure not selfish, because a little putz like that ends up living a life of misery. He's totally oriented towards other people, because he can't survive without them.

Selfishness simply means concern with one's own interests. A truly selfish person is one who is capable of looking after himself, who doesn't exist for the sake of others and doesn't require them to exist for his sake.
Jerrek said:
like a baby crying? Crying like there is no tomorrow. Refusing to drink milk. Grow up a few weeks and they start destroying things. Good my ass...

That's what you call evil? :rolleyes: