Goodbye OTC.....

Professur said:
If the mix of personality types stays stable, I'll be here til I rot. But if the tree hugging, gay marrying, PC paranoid percentile increases much more, I'll be migrating to a more white picket fence friendly environment.
*debates a recruiting drive* :p
tommyj27 said:
my attention to the forums i frequent comes and goes, as of late i haven't been around much, maybe autumn will see that change, maybe not. either way, the otc community and it's offshoots are solid and i can't believe we would all just take our balls home and never speak [or type] at each other again.

Just like the sandlot, a handful have taken their ball & gone home only to return with a new outlook. A few have decided to be ghosts rather than participating but slowly people realize they have to play somewhere & OTC is the place.
Professur said:
If the mix of personality types stays stable, I'll be here til I rot. But if the tree hugging, gay marrying, PC paranoid percentile increases much more, I'll be migrating to a more white picket fence friendly environment.

would that be considered white picket fence flight?