Goodbye, so long, adios, get the heck out

She only wanted one year and ABC wanted three? That seems bass-ackwards to me... usually the actor or athlete wants a longer contract than the company/team/etc. is willing to give.
Interesting. I remember her as a stand-up comic and I thought she was funny then. I never saw her show, nor "The View", and since then I've stopped watching TV altogether. I will buy DVD season sets of Family Guy and Futurama, occasionally Southpark and the Simpsons. (Low-brow entertainment all the way! :beardbng: )

Seems some of you are happy to see her leave "The View". I'm pretty shocked that you guys were even fans of the show! :eek5: Isn't that a chick show?

I don't know why, and I never understood, why people get their panties in a wad over TV/movie/radio celebs or their shows. I never gave a rats ass about what celebs said or what their opinion-of-the-day was. This is why we have freedom of choice. Turn it off or change the channel if you don't like what you hear/see. :shrug:
It might have something to do with the masses of sheep in this country that will take her bullshit seriously because of her celebrity status. We don't give a shit about what she says either, but millions of people, most of whom vote, do.
I don't know why, and I never understood, why people get their panties in a wad over TV/movie/radio celebs or their shows.

That one's easy. In order to be a citizen of The United States of the Offended you have to have nonsense to pretend to be offended by, now don't you?

FTR, she was moderately funny as a comedian and comic actress. I've never watched any of her TV stuff.
FTR, she was moderately funny as a comedian and comic actress. I've never watched any of her TV stuff.

Have you got lousy taste. :p I always thought that she was about as funny as a train wreck. :shrug: I also firmly believe that anyone who takes what a celeb says seriously needs their head examined. After all...most are just trained parrots who will squawk whatever line pays them the most. The rest are groupies. :D
Have you got lousy taste. :p I always thought that she was about as funny as a train wreck. :shrug: I also firmly believe that anyone who takes what a celeb says seriously needs their head examined. After all...most are just trained parrots who will squawk whatever line pays them the most. The rest are groupies. :D
Hey, if we all thought the same shit was funny, all comedians would be Lenny Bruce. Not necessarily a bad thing, but ultimately a bit boring I'll bet.
I've always found her to be about as funny as a rectal exam ... and her taste in just about everything else brings rectal exams to mind as well. The sooner one of her paid security guards accidentally shoots her with the gun that noone else is allowed to own, the better.
See, I think a lot of people forget what she was like before she got carried away with her own self-importance. Back when she was just an irish-catlic (pun not intended) kid from the Bronx she had some pretty good stuff. Hit pretty close to home for me anyway. Of course, many of you were pre-adolescent back then. ;)

Of course, now that she thinks she's the patron saint of lesbianism someone needs to take her out behind the barn and explain forcefully (with sticks and stones) that this just isn't so.
See, I think a lot of people forget what she was like before she got carried away with her own self-importance. Back when she was just an irish-catlic (pun not intended) kid from the Bronx she had some pretty good stuff. Hit pretty close to home for me anyway. Of course, many of you were pre-adolescent back then. ;)

I saw one of her specials on HBO back in the day. I stand by my claim. :p

Lenny Bruce is funny, though. Not as funny, to me at least, as Bruce Bruce, but thats just me...

chcr said:
Of course, now that she thinks she's the patron saint of lesbianism someone needs to take her out behind the barn and explain forcefully (with sticks and stones) that this just isn't so.

Is that something the Pope has beatified? :eek5: ;)
She was humorous...back when.

George Carlin & Robin Williams are two of the funniest comedians I've ever heard but they've allowed their politics to seep just a little too far into their routine (Carlin is now just a social commentator) for my taste.

Rosie & Alec sitting in a tree....
Gone before her time...

The saga is over.

Rosie O'Donnell will not be returning to "The View."

In a statement today, Brian Frons, the president of Disney-ABC's Daytime Television Group, said, "We had hoped that Rosie would be with us until the end of her contract three weeks from now, but Rosie has informed us that she would like an early leave. Therefore, we part ways, thank her for her tremendous contribution to 'The View' and wish her well."
Good. I do not watch the view and haven't in ages but I still get subjected to her rants as they are apparently news fodder for Fox & Friends.