got robbed and shot a gun - both a first for me


Well-Known Member
So, my son's paddling crew made it to the State Championships on O'ahu this past weekend ... I went as a parent supporter prepared document every historic moment on in video and still pictures. My cousin (the athletic director) and I went in the night before the boys were scheduled to arrive because of the limited space and flight times. We got in, got a van, and went to eat before checking in to the hotel. While we were eating, our van was broken into and everything was taken .. my bag of clothes .. the camera equipment .. her computer ... everything except my wallet, my phone and the clothes I had on. Luckily, I had my wallet and so I could buy whatever I needed for the weekend but I wasn't going to get the chance to do the whole documentary thing.

On Saturday, a friend of mine took me to the gun range where he's practicing for the shooting championship thingy (I have no idea what it's called LOL) and he gave me a lesson on guns then let me fire off a few rounds of a 9mm Beretta (did I spell that right?) .. wow ... the power of a gun!!! holyhell, my shoulders kinda hurt (but probably because I was gripping the damned thing so tight LOL) ... I hit the 12 inch target every time from 250 yards, but never in the black. Don't worry, I'm not going to run out and buy a gun .. it was just an amazing experience.

Two first .. two amazing experiences that both stopped my heart for a while. Just talking about it makes me want a beer LOL
Man, that really sucks. Sorry you got robbed. :(

Happened to me once while eating Mexican food in Manhattan. I had just spent around $150 on clothes and gifts (which was a lot of dough for me when I was a teenager), and everything got robbed from the hatchback of my friend, Donna's, Monza. So infuriating.

On a bright note, at least you got the pleasure of firing off some rounds. Lucky for that crook you weren't practiced and carrying when he/she did the dirty deed. ;)
Now that would be the perfect story if the guy that robbed the van would have gotten one of those bullets your fired :D ;)

*passes na a beer
Holy hell, I read the thread and thought you'd shot the robber. :tardbang:

Sorry to hear about that, Na... That seriously sucksass. :(
BeardofPants said:
Holy hell, I read the thread and thought you'd shot the robber. :tardbang:

Sorry to hear about that, Na... That seriously sucksass. :(
That's what I thought at first...sorry to hear that news, Na.
Sorry about the robbery. Mark me down as another who's had a car broken into - just life in the city, I guess.

As for the gun, it's a different experience, isn't it? If you ever come back here and want to repeat, just say the word. Between me and Unc, we can certainly provide a range of weaponry for you to try.
hitting a 12" target, @ 250, with a pistol, your first time? holy shnit...

/me makes mental note to never piss off na.
Without good cover and my AR to return fire,
anyone shooting at me would make me nervous. heh heh
Sorry Na! I've never had that experience but that really does suck ass. Spirit has a good point, you should be able to get back something from insurance. If you can provide receipts for the stuff.

The feeling of shooting a gun is just... indescribable... until you feel it for yourself. My father taught all of us to shoot when we were young and I had forgotten about it until a few years ago when a friend in the secret service brought me to a gun range. We had a bunch of weapons to choose from, but I tend to like the "girly" guns that don't have as much kickback. Like the SigSauer 380. Never shot a Beretta though, that must be pretty cool.
tommyj27 said:
even 25' her first time would make me nervous. :bolt:
At the risk of giving up knowledge that I don't tend to share, most one to one firefights are fought from significantly less than 25 feet. Oh, and my experience is that most civilian handgun owners would be lucky to hit a barn at 250 feet.

Sorry to hear about the theft Na. Life's a bitch, ain't it.:(
kuulani said:
you forgot to add, "her computer with her doctorate research/thesis" :crying4:

oh yeah .. but at least she had her stuff backed up to the G5 .. thank god ..
Wow, I read that topic as "I got robbed with a shotgun"

Didn't realize what it actually said until I was about to reply :p

I'm sorry to hear that. And yes, I always enjoy my self on the range. It's pretty cool in the butts too.