

Well-Known Member
Your Sig other is cheating on you. You've proof. Unfortunately, there's not a damn thing you can do about it. You're too poor to break up, and you need his/her income to make ends meet. Well, the Lord does provide, and soon, said person comes to you in need. Seems they're going for a medical exam, and said exam requires an emema. Not just an enema, a high colonic. And you help is need to administer it. It's enough to make you go back to church, isn't it?

Well, here's you chance to get some payback. What are you gonna do? If you don't know anything about enema, I'll give you a few ideas, but feel free to come up with your own.

Beer enemas. Since it's introduced into the digestive system south of the liver, it's full impact is delivered. A person can get royally hammered on a single beer, and the hangover is killer.
Coffee enemas. An old college trick. He won't sleep for a week.
Ice water. Not only will he enjoy having freezing water shoved up his ass, even just under body temp water ensures terrible cramps.
Mineral oil/vegetable oil. Liquid shit for a week.
Chile pepper. Do I really have to detail this?

Then, of course, there's the photo op. The spanking. And the ... well, you'll come up with something. ;)

So, just how cruel can you be?
This reminds me of the old "darwin awards" story where some people in Taiwan were into "pumping," which is taking the air hose at a gas station, shoving it up their ass and getting an air enema. Apparently, they literally exploded.
HCL - Exposure to hydrochloric acid can cause circulatory collapse which may lead to death; it can also cause asphyxial death due to glottic edema. It can also cause conjunctivitis and corneal burns, inflammation and ulceration of the respiratory tract, dermatitis, skin burns, rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pulmonary edema, dental erosion, hoarseness, a feeling of suffocation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dehydration, convulsions, oliguria, hypotension, chills, shock, lethargy, stupor, permanent visual damage, cough, and choking. Ingestion or skin contact with hydrochloric acid can cause corrosion of mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, and esophagus, with immediate pain and dysphagia; it can also cause gastric hemorrhage and intense thirst.
I'd actually make out that they need multiple enemas adminstering and try all of profs suggestions :D
Sherry enema kills man

These undated Lake Jackson police photos show Michael Warner, 58, and his wife, Tammy Warner, 42. Tammy Warner has been charged with negligent homicide in the death of Michael Warner in May 2004. She is accused of giving him a sherry enema that caused his blood-alcohol level to rise to .47 leading to his death. (AP Photo/Lake Jackson Police Department)
LAKE JACKSON, Texas (AP) — A woman has been indicted on negligent homicide charges for allegedly giving her husband a sherry enema that killed him.

Michael Warner, 58, died last May after the enema caused his blood-alcohol level to rise to .47 percent.

“That’s extremely high,” Detective Lt. Robert Turner said. “You’re either going to be in the hospital or the funeral home with that much alcohol.”

Tammy Warner, 42, was indicted last week.

Turner said Michael Warner was an alcoholic who could not swallow liquor because of ulcers and heartburn.

“He was told that he could not drink alcohol or that he would die, according to the people that we interviewed,” Turner said. “We are going to prove that she gave him the sherry and that she knew that he wasn’t supposed to have any and that it could be detrimental to his health, and that she gave it to him anyway.”

Tammy Warner was released on $30,000 bail. Her attorney did not immediately return a call Thursday.

