government motors - aw shucks!

i'm not sure what the actual wage is gonz. can't find the story now. probably about $20...

would you be okay with making less? how about $20/hr.?

That's near where I am now & we've been living on one income for almost 18 years. Choices & decisions, priorities & sacrifices.
that settles it. new min/wage will be set @ $20/hr. The least America will be paid this meager compensation from here forward, national prosperity will surely ensure.

Who doesn't want more prosperity. What could possibly go wrong?
it can't happen here

The White House said taxpayers still could lose $1.9 billion on Chrysler; GM has repaid $23.1 billion of the $49.5 billion it received. Ford did not seek government help.

On Thursday evening, the Treasury Department issued a statement that the government had reached final terms with Italian auto-giant Fiat on selling the government’s remaining 6 percent share of Chrysler, plus shares held in trust for its retirement program. Mr. Obama will announce the $560 million deal Friday during his Ohio visit.

Although taxpayers still stand to lose nearly 20 percent of the auto bailout funds, it’s less than the 60 percent loss the Treasury Department initially forecast.

Double speak Repayment doesn't mean paying back what your borrowed. Can I use that with my credit cards?
That's near where I am now & we've been living on one income for almost 18 years. Choices & decisions, priorities & sacrifices.

now i understand why you get grumpy about things. well, at least yer kid will do better...? (i don't mean that in a snarky way. i mean it in the sense that yeah yer kid is obviously pretty bright, but you think there's gonna be shit for opportunity for him in the future?)
Hey, I'm in the top 20% or so.

My choices have been made consciously. I had (have) no temperment for the white collar stuff. Too many fake smiles & opportunists but not enough problem fixing. My kids future depends on him. The opportunity may be there but what must you give up in order to achieve it? That's his choice. I keep telling him to become an engineer. Lots of sitting & hardly any work. (well, there is that whole "meeting" thing. *puke* )
top 20% of what? you mean IQ? if so... it's fairly obvious...

engineering will provide a solid future. my ph.d. cognate is engineering. exposure to that kind of thinking helps the brain develop. but i'd encourage taking as many philosophy (logic/critical thinking!), history, and econ classes as could be crammed into an engineering curriculum. and take those courses seriously, unlike most of the dipshit undergrads in 'em. the technical-only people seem to be a little dull. they probably play dungeons and dragons at age 40 and still haven't resolved their tiny pee pee issues.

He has zero interest in engineering. He's inclined towards the arts (writing, sound engineering & film-making)
That's what I told him. I won't discourage but I know the shit in that business.