government programs are always bad

The military industrial complex always fights the last war.

There were to be three parts to star wars,
missile destruction in the boost phase which the YAL-1 was a part.

An on orbit portion that died mostly due to a
reluctance to weaponize space
thank goodness what a waste of money that would have been.

And thaad for the terminal phase, which if it works
could be a great asset in a conflict between advanced powers.

But again, the Afghani stone throwers don't have any theatre ballistic missiles
we need to defend against.
The Soviets (the ChiComs are trying to create their own knock-off versions)
have anti-ship missiles (cruise and ballistic)
that might be able to neutralize the effectiveness
of the U.S. Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups.

The Navy Laser is a vain attempt to counter this.

Would we really start a war over China invading Taiwan?
narrr my actual belief on subject runs as follows:

The U.S should come out and say; we are broke
so we are hereby relinquishing our role as
Team America World Police!

We are bring all our troops home and
slashing our defense budget.

We are instituting a new foreign policy
if you mess with U.S. we will come over to your
country, wreck it completely and kill you then
turn around and go home without any 'nation building'.

I'd kill all the entitlement programs abolish the EPA and the NEA
show a surplus in tax revenues which I'd use to completely retire
the public debt in five years, this would be brought about by the massive
surge in tax revenues that resulted from the complete de-regulation of
all American private business.

and we'd all live happily ever after Amen

yer Winky in 2012!

It didn't stop Slick Willie
it will get me the perv vote for sure!
government programs are always the answer

I'll have them apply for a government grant
to get them upgraded to LCD's
Obambo handed GM over too the Unions

Cat your PhD in Economics from Harvard aside...

Exactly how could one go about dismantling
entities such as Freddie and Fannie?

How would this work?
We could start by showing Congress Article 1 Section 10. Then figuring out a way to dissolve the Federal reserve.
Re: Obambo handed GM over too the Unions

Cat your PhD in Economics from Harvard aside...

Exactly how could one go about dismantling
entities such as Freddie and Fannie?

How would this work?

I ain't no fortunate son.

I have no idea How the gov. is going to do it, but I'm sure
other banks aren't going to want to by bad paper.
I foresee a whole lotta bad paper debt getting written off.