Govt Motors to "Investigate" Toyota

My 1996 (yes, I did say older) has a little built-in plastic hook, down by the trunk release and gas door release on the floor, that attaches to a corresponding hole in the factory driver side floormat to keep it in place. Plus, the floor side of the mats have many rows of pointy plastic teeth to keep it from moving around on the carpet.

That hook ripped out of my Exploder floor, but the pedal is much higher than the mat (never had it wedge). Something that cheesed me off more is the back hatch has a plastic body trim piece that cracks with the flex of the glass. Nearly every mid-2000's model I've seen has the crack, but I guess it wasn't enough for a recall.
DETROIT — Three people briefed on the matter say Toyota Motor Corp. has received clearance from federal regulators on a fix for the company's sticky gas pedals.

Well god-damn-it, its all the gubmints fault. Someone needs to die, it's what China would do.
it's not the floor mats, its the throttle assembly itself. afaik, the floormats were just a scapegoat to make people feel like toyota had solved the problem. replacing throttles is a lot more $$$ than zip-tieing floor mats.
All I know is I'm thoroughly enjoying the Ever Almighty Toyota showing they ain't no better than any other car out there. Remeber... You asked for it , you got it, Bend Over.
I have never liked or trusted the electronic throttle (fly-by wire).
for all we know every time someone uses the garage door opener.. your pedal goes to the floor..:retard:
The real problem is that Toyota is demonstrating something that is sorely lacking in American car companies and our government -- real ethics. That is why they must be destroyed.
Look for the union label.......

0bama Administration 'Not Finished With Toyota'

WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- The Obama administration toughened its stance toward Toyota Motor Corp. (TM) Tuesday, saying it is still reviewing possible safety defects in the company's vehicles and weighing other action.

"We're not finished with Toyota and are continuing to review possible defects and monitor the implementation of the recalls," Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said in a statement Tuesday.

Another DOT official said the agency is considering a civil penalty against the Japanese auto maker.

Last week, Mr. LaHood said he had no issues with how Toyota had responded with the actions to the problems linked to the recall of millions of vehicles.

0bama doesn't care about Japanese people!

Which auto manufacturer will he go after next?
looks to me like, they couldn't impose tariffs, so they came up with the 'law suit' alternative here.
Govt Motors to unjustly attack Toyota

Gol darn it I wanna know
is this all just made up or do these cars really
take it into their own minds to haul ass all by themselves?

I mean c'mom there are millions of these roaming the world
if there was anything to this we'd all know, it's all bunk right?

How appropriate would it be if Toyota threatened to close
all it’s factories here and stop selling their products here?
None of my cars have EVER so much as bruised a person.
Well there was that one time...