'Grand Theft Auto' cop killer found guilty

HomeLAN said:
This morning's constitutional was the first since last Tuesday that did not require a second flush.

BTW, I don't think I've ever felt closer to all of you than I do right now. :D

That's...erm...nice to know.

Now back off a little, willya? :D
Now this is what makes OTC the greatest site on the internet, bar none. Where else can a discussion about a cop killer turn into a description of someone's bathmats.
Those were some of the best conversations, the ones that turned into something else completely. You should bump a few of those. ;)
In your travels, if you find the picture that Flavio photoshopped with Hitler poking out of LL's sunroof, bump it. I laughed my ass off at that picture.
SouthernN'Proud said:
What a crock of crap. Some thug got a cop's gun and shot three people to death, and wants to blame it on a video game and childhood abuse?

Off with his head.

Dismiss the civil suit too. WalMart, with its multitudinal evils, is not responsible, nor are the makers of the game. The thug in question is responsible, and he alone.

Off with his head. Or did I say that already?

On this you and I agree. Give him the death penalty.
SnP said:
I wholeheartedly endorse the notion of killing the more exponentially stupid among us. If you sue a restaurant because you are too damn dumb to realize that coffee is hot, you need to die for the betterment of society as a whole. If you camp outside the president's ranch because your son was killed in an all volunteer army and you didn't say all you wanted to the first time the president spoke to you, you are a speedbump on the road of evolution and as such forfeit your right to continue consuming oxygen that could be better spent on someone else.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SouthernN'Proud again.

Damn, SnP. You're on a roll lately. :D
SouthernN'Proud said:
I wholeheartedly endorse the notion of killing the more exponentially stupid among us. If you sue a restaurant because you are too damn dumb to realize that coffee is hot, you need to die for the betterment of society as a whole. If you camp outside the president's ranch because your son was killed in an all volunteer army and you didn't say all you wanted to the first time the president spoke to you, you are a speedbump on the road of evolution and as such forfeit your right to continue consuming oxygen that could be better spent on someone else.

Simple, really.

basically it's not quite that he's just plain stupid... he's got enough brain cells left to try and exploit what he knows is a volitile (sp?), although stupid issue currently.... (the woman on the other hand may just be clinically nuts at this point)