Grandmother shootout


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Sometimes I think this is a boring city. Then there are stories like this.
Grandmothers involved in shootout
By Chanda Brown

WICHITA Kansas USA - A shootout in north Wichita has neighbors talking. That's because the alleged shooters are both grandmothers.

The scene played out in the 2600 block of North Holyoke.

"She come out with her black gun.She didn't know I had my little .25 automatic," said Ann Gartner.

"She pulled out a pistol and it was like the wild, wild West at the old folks home," said neighbor Gary Potts.

"I stepped around the right side of the car and 'pow,'" said Gartner. "I nearly hit her in the shoulder."

It's normally quiet in the 2600 block of North Holyoke except for Thursday.

Fifty-three year old Bertha Criner was on the front porch. 82-year-old Ann had driven up to Criner's home and the two got into a verbal argument which escalated into gunfire.

The shots are still evident with one bullet hole in the house and two more on the front window screen.What's even more alarming is that kids were inside the house, just feet from the door.

"My granddaddy got the kids and put them in the backroom," said Latasha Jones.

"She shot at me first and that was self defense," said Gartner.

"She's 82, but she's a bad woman. She might look 82 but that don't mean nothing," said Jones.

"If the police department's looking for an officer, they ought to look up that old lady, because she knows how to shoot a gun, that's for sure," said Jones.

When the bullets stopped flying, no one was injured and police say Ann was shooting in self defense.

Police arrested 53-year-old Bertha Criner.

Thulsa Doom said:
ah shit you beat me to that gimme. ;) yeah i think the attempted murder thing may have had something to do with that.

Hence your words "pack heat in Kansas like that?"? ;)