
mom's side
grandfather: a dutch immigrant to new zealand. was some shipping tycoon.
nana: an immigrant as well was mother to 4 children.

dad's side
pap: he was working on the railroad all the live long day...the tracks that is. he also lost his left index finger building bridges....he used to tell us the gator got it. charming man with a penchant for PBR and smelly cheese.
hattie: stayed home and had 7 kids. hattie is....interesting...if loud interests you.
HomeLAN said:
Really?! That's all the beer my Dad would drink. Claimed that it had the advantage that his kids wouldn't touch it. :D
that might have been the method to his madness. *puke*
My mother's parents divorced and re-married before I was born, so I grew up with 3 sets of grandparents. (Made out like a bandit at birthday and Christmas. hehehe)

Mom's side #1
Grandmother -- worked the farm with first husband. Stayed at home with 2nd.
Step-granddad --- engineer with Humble(now Exxon). Was a Captain in the Army in France during WWII -- won Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and Silver Star.

Mom's side #2
Step-grandmother --- stayed at home.
Grandfather --- worked for Southern Pacific railroad --- engineer

Dad's side
Grandmother --- stayed at home.
Grandfather --- worked for Southwestern Bell Telelphone for 45 years.
Mom's side:

Grandma - SAHM until her husband died, then was a secretary, now retired and can't remember many things, Alzheimer's setting in
Grandfather - not sure exactly, fought in WW2 and did something to pay the bills, can't really remember now; he died in a blizzard in '68

Dad's side:

Grandmother "Grandmere" - don't remember much about her either, she wrote a lot (I posted one of them, she was a magnificent writer), died when I was little
Grandma Dorothy (my grandfather remarried after Grandmere died) - high school English teacher, haven't seen her since my Grandpa's funeral
Grandpa - ran a successful hardware store (is still in the family but not any close relative of mine really, like distant uncle owns in now or something) and built houses, died just over a year ago