Graph Expo


Active Member
I really didn’t know were to put this, but here I go. yesterday was the last day of Graph Expo in Chicago. it was amazing, there were presses the size of mamas single wide trailer. they were throwing posters the size of my car at me for free, this besides Drupa (Germany graphics show) is the biggest with almost taking up all of McCormick place.

Here's some links!!!

This one is just a baby, if you keep looking around you will find the granddaddy!!!
I love a good print show. The last I went to was giving away toys and stuff galore...including a Pantone Boxed set from a seminar I attended. (I was the only one that attended that one because they'd timed it to go against another more popular seminar). I ended up sitting at a table in the caf with the two presenters and their laptop, eating lunch and getting real answers to my the take-away prize :D

What side of the equation are you on? You a GD, print-house?
I love a good print show. The last I went to was giving away toys and stuff galore...including a Pantone Boxed set from a seminar I attended. (I was the only one that attended that one because they'd timed it to go against another more popular seminar). I ended up sitting at a table in the caf with the two presenters and their laptop, eating lunch and getting real answers to my the take-away prize :D

What side of the equation are you on? You a GD, print-house?

Kinda both, can't have one without another.
I was on the list for the Beta of CS4, but never got the nod :(
The only CS3 that I play with now is PShop and Illustrator - everything else is CS2... which is fine. I can still do everything I need to without the extra drain on my RAM :D

I was able to get the upgrades on the CS3 for my top-two at work (that and finally the uPG from PM to InDesign). - they didn't want me playing with the rest of the suite
I was on the list for the Beta of CS4, but never got the nod :(
The only CS3 that I play with now is PShop and Illustrator - everything else is CS2... which is fine. I can still do everything I need to without the extra drain on my RAM :D

I was able to get the upgrades on the CS3 for my top-two at work (that and finally the uPG from PM to InDesign). - they didn't want me playing with the rest of the suite

I do enjoy CS3, but your right it eats up alot of ram, that is on top of vista.
I use Photoshop CS2 at work on an intel iMac. It's a Core 2 Duo at, I believe, 2.1 GHz with 2 gigs of RAM.
OSX isn't bad at all... mind you, I got to use it on the G5 :shrug:

I'll give it has a better grasp of how to use RAM than anything Micrsoft could ever come up with. I remember trying to mod a 150mb file in PShop at home and watching the time trickle away while I waitied for it to process the change...then go to work and see the nearly instantaneous processing on the same image. Fricken' unreal!
OSX isn't bad at all... mind you, I got to use it on the G5 :shrug:

I'll give it has a better grasp of how to use RAM than anything Micrsoft could ever come up with. I remember trying to mod a 150mb file in PShop at home and watching the time trickle away while I waitied for it to process the change...then go to work and see the nearly instantaneous processing on the same image. Fricken' unreal!

Yea, but i still perfer windows XP over OSX any day!
Give it a year or so and XP won't be covered anymore, and you'll ahve to upgrade past Vista to whatever MS decides to shove down our throats next. :p