green cards and $100,000 each

right after the fence is up & 100,000 more Border Agents are hired (and given orders to do their job) I might consider listening to this :bs:

Nah. Send 'em packing. Any government that says "we can't" should get fired.
You'd take that back if you could see everthing west of I-17 is already Mexico.
(nevermind South Phoenix)
If we shipped em back, vast portions of the Phoenix
metro area would look like a giant ghost town!
Large cargo trucks. Men with guns. water bottles on this end & water cannons on the other.

Time to get busy.
I like I like!

You are amongst the elites that can't see past black (in this case, brown) and white? It's not skin tone Timmy, no matter how hard you want it to be.
yeah, it's exactly how hungry you are and how hard you're willing to work!

and them latinos got you "natives" beat... in spades.
Let's say that 40% of an organization is illegal, working under the table, on the cheap. That leaves 60% who are "unwilling to do that job". Huh?
Actually Minkys right, the folks hardest hit by the flood of third werlders is the lower classes.
But minkster has ascended to the level of the evil rich so he can afford not to care.
Kickin' back in the ivory tower callin' down to all us racist
scum: "hey you there, racist scum".

I always get a charge outta Gonz railing on Hispanics
cuz with him it really ain't about race.
Actually Minkys right, the folks hardest hit by the flood of third werlders is the lower classes.
But minkster has ascended to the level of the evil rich so he can afford not to care.
Kickin' back in the ivory tower callin' down to all us racist
scum: "hey you there, racist scum".

I always get a charge outta Gonz railing on Hispanics
cuz with him it really ain't about race.

i never said "race." by "white guys" i meant the local losers that were born here, who think that THEY are owed something by virtue of their birthplace. you know, the ones that complain the most about "beaners" as a way to rationalize their own lack of performance. :D
i meant the local losers that were born here, who think that THEY are owed something by virtue of their birthplace.

They are. They are owed an opportunity to have a job currently filled by someone who broke the law in coming here.
yeah see my sympathy is more with those willing to work hard to elevate themselves than those who think they're owed, regardless of any petty infraction. oh, don't like that? don't like bending a few rules in search of opportunity? hmmmm.... yeah, seems like most groups of folks have had to do that at one time or another to make things work... in the real world... but then there's that place where...

So, in short, you don't mind new citizens who don't want to be citizens nor do they wish to integrate with our society but they want to take from us & demand we give to them while their first act is to brek our laws.

Man, get outta Seattle. You're more warped than before.
Funny thing about a city with over 500,000 people
who don't have to abide by the same laws that you do

when 100,000 of em marched on the state crapitol

the funny is defiantly beginning to wear thin

yep its wearin' real thin...

Minks why is it still so fashionable for you
(I'm not a liberal types) to be so fricken

That worm plumb out a longtime ago.
What about the hard werk (hard luck) Americans below you
in the socioeconomic strata that:

Had their pubic schools overrun and can't afford private schools.
Can't get medical care because the systems (for them) is teh busted
due to the flood of non-paying brownies.
Experience a major setback when one of them smashes into their car
with no license, registration or insurance and skips right back over the border.
Has to get used to getting drunk on cinco de mayo and not getting a three day weekend.

America hasn’t been improved by turning vast portions of it into a 3rd werld country by
allowing an illegal invasion no matter how you wanna spin it. “daumn racists”.