green cards and $100,000 each

Sorry minkey, 10 million+ foreign nationals here without permission is an invasion. Period. Why do so few people care?
Sorry minkey, 10 million+ foreign nationals here without permission is an invasion. Period. Why do so few people care?

Because its too easy to call it SEP than to actually do anything. The rich like it because they get cheap labor. Those in power like it because by being lenient, they assure their future of staying in power. Those that complain are either racist, ignorant, or intolerant, and by using the media to show only those they want the public to see, they assure that the complainers are what they say they are. Remember the big stir about the "Minutemen"? How they were all portrayed as gun-toting maniacs hell-bent on forcing the poor, defenseless illegal immigrants, only out for a little food, away from the borders? Funny how, when proven wrong, the story abruptly vanishes to be replaced by non-issues innit?
Gato said:
Those in power like it because by being lenient, they assure their future of staying in power.

That is the one that we need to pay attention to. Vote every one of these fools out of office. Pipedream, perhaps, but this did cause quite a groundswell.
That is the one that we need to pay attention to. Vote every one of these fools out of office. Pipedream, perhaps, but this did cause quite a groundswell.

Not as much as Iraq. Strange, innit? There's more media concern over 3,000+ deaths over a 5-year period than 10+million illegal immigrants...
According to reports, the people spoke, loudly & in volume, about (against) the immigration bill. There were records set (reportedly) for contacts to OUR representatives (they forget that part).

That hasn't happened on anything Iraq. We're war weary & tired of the negative news, but we don't want a loss.
According to reports, the people spoke, loudly & in volume, about (against) the immigration bill. There were records set (reportedly) for contacts to OUR representatives (they forget that part).

That hasn't happened on anything Iraq. We're war weary & tired of the negative news, but we don't want a loss.

Who's reports? The media played fast-and-loose with those reports, and you know it. They even spun it so it looked like US citizens were reationary, racist thugs. The groundswell of which you speak died a quick and painless death because people are afraid to offend anyone.
I don't listen to the standard media. Label us all they want. We stopped it didn't we? We forced our representatives to reconsider. Then, GW took time to go to lunch on The Hill & basically forced them to revive it. It'll happen again. The people will overwhelm their representatives with demands to kill this POS & do as promised-Build a Fence. Once the fence is up & the border agents are in place, showing us that our representatives will act in our interest, then they can start on "immigration reform".
I don't listen to the standard media. Label us all they want.

So how many of you are there? The majority is so afraid of being offensive to others that the mere thought of being decisive is repugnant to them.

Gonz said:
We stopped it didn't we? We forced our representatives to reconsider. Then, GW took time to go to lunch on The Hill & basically forced them to revive it. It'll happen again. The people will overwhelm their representatives with demands to kill this POS & do as promised-Build a Fence. Once the fence is up & the border agents are in place, showing us that our representatives will act in our interest, then they can start on "immigration reform".

Call me cynical, but I don't think we stopped anything at all. We just drove it underground. It will return buried in some House Appropriations Bill that also funds something important, and it'll pass due to its inclusion in something necessary to the country.
I'm cynical to the point of realizing that there won't be a fence or order to protect our sovereignty but I do think that we killed this bill. I also believe we the people will happen again.

The bill is over a thousand pages long. A tad much for an earmark. Not too much for a midnight vote or, as with national healthcare, piece by piece, shroud by shroud, it'll be injected into our system.

I was proud of We the People; We did what we're supposed to do. Too bad our representatives are spinning it in such a way as to make us look like hate mongering racists. Personally, I don't give a shit. Call me what you want just as long as you relaize you are there by our good graces.
40 Percent of Residents are Hispanic

How is this part of the headline relative to anything? Would anyone notice if 40% were pf Polish descent?
How is this part of the headline relative to anything? Would anyone notice if 40% were pf Polish descent?

Depends on whether or not they were here illegally. Its also used to make calls of 'racism' more believable. Nowhere does it say that only Hispanics would be deported, though. Here's another story from close to where I grew up...