Green... err, freak?


Banned :eek: Look at that tongue! How would you kiss that guy? Hypothetically speaking.
there was a program on both of those people over here a while ago. Oh well, whatever floats your boat...
I saw that program here too, at least I know the Lizard man was on it. So Scanty, think you'd date a guy like Lizard Boy?
PuterTutor said:
I saw that program here too, at least I know the Lizard man was on it. So Scanty, think you'd date a guy like Lizard Boy?

Well, i was never one to lead a normal life... :brow:
why someone would ge their tongue split is well beyond me. hurts like a bitch(a girl showed me pics of people getting it done they looked like they were going to cry) and you cant go back. but it is his right as psycho said. and at least hes doing something different that most wont do. i personally will stick with tats.
I saw something about two twins who were trading body parts... One of them cut off his arm and had it sewn on to the other ones body. It looked quite fake to me but I wouldn't put it past people.
I saw one where there were trading fingers and putting longers fingers where short ones should go and stuff. WEIRD!