group of tubbies to sue fast food chains


New Member
a group of overweight americans are to sue a numebr of fast food giants, accusing tehm of 'knowingly serving meals that cause obesity and disease. '

maccyd's, kurger bing, kfc and wendys all got writs because they can't keep their greasy paws of the fatty delicacies. one of the plaintifs said that "I always thought it was good for you. I never thought there was anything wrong with it,".

really?! you think all that salty, processed, fatty crap is good for you?! do pickles and fries constitute a balanced diet. only if the balance is with a baby elephant it would appear.

i hope the judge laughs it out of court :rolleyes: money grabbing twats.

bbc more
OMG this is great. Lets see, Television manufacturers, because they make you sit still for long periods of time, knowingly causing you not to exercise.

We can sue Chair manufacturers for making comfortable chairs too, that cause you to sit around to much.

Where will this stop?
'Cmon! You have got to be kidding me!
We saw the same shit happen with people who smoke. Sueing Philip Morris because they were have all kind of terrible diseases due to their own bad habbits.
Same thing here. Does McDonalds or BK force you to eat their food? NO!

Those people are just to freakin' lazy to cook a proper meal. So they go to fast food restaurants like that.

Hell, I'm 2 weeks alone at home at the moment, and still I cook healthy food for myself.
It's those goddamn parents who raise their kids with the idea that it's normal to eat french fries five times a week. Or stuff multiple burgers into themselves.
Yes, obesity is one of the greatest death causes in the US, but they have no-one to blame except themselves.

It will give a good laugh in court though.
the smoking reference is a bit different, the additives knowingly put into cigarettes by the companies to increase the addictive qualities makes them liable.

it has been known for many years that fast food is not a healthy food option. greasy, salty, fried food full of additives are not good for you and that information has been in the public domain for years.
Can I sue this board for making me sit here and type, instead of me enjoying the fresh air and sunshine ...
mX - Friday, July 26th, 2002 (local news rag)

A 127kg man is suing four fast food chains for his "addiction" to fatty meals, which he says have made him ill. Ceasar Barber has diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol problems, and has had two heart attacks.

He blames McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's and KFC - the food outlets where he claims to have eaten at least four or five times a week "out of necessity".

The 56-year-old maintenance supervisor, from New York, said: "I trace it all back to the high fat, grease and salt I got there - there was no fast food I didn't eat. I ate it more often then not because I was single. It was quick and I'm not a very good cook. It was a necessity, and I think it was killing me. My doctor said it was kililng me and I don't want to die".

Lawyer Samuel Hirsch blamed the food chains for "irresponsible and deceptive" behaviour for not supplying nutritional information or offering healthy alternatives.

I dunno about the US, but the McDonalds here will usually provide nutritional information on little pamflets at the counter. So the notion that they don't provide that information is BS (at least in Australia it is).

I agree with ya'll, no one forces anyone to be lazy.
McDonalds lost not one, but two lawsuits because some moron spilt coffee on themselves. And you're suprised to see this.
Well there's one for the record :D

Interesting how sometimes the funniest thing on TV isn't US sitcoms, but US news :headbang:
here is Canada they have a sign that says "Nutritional Information Available upton request" and they have ALWAYS offered salads (all of those places) but recently Wendy's and McDonalds have also increased their "healthy eatting" menus
fat lazy fucks with zeero self control. next it'll be pop & coffee companies because of teh caffeine & sugar :grumpy: :mad2:
Prof: They are chicken breast burgers. not like veggie mush burgers (that is burger king) and they also offer like big salads that can be a whole meal and non fat yogurt with fruit and granola.
I blame the Lawyers,for letting this guy think he's got a case,I've never heard of a Lawyer who ever said "that's a dumb idea" .He also says "I ate it more often then not because I was single." ,so is his next lawsuit going to be against women (or I guess it could be men)?I was watching Jay Leno and in his monologue he said" Pringles was making a wide mouth can ,for theor Potato chips ,because people couldn't get their fingers into the old cans." :rolleyes: How many freakin cans of pringles must one eat before their fingers no longer fit? :mad2:
PuterTutor said:
OMG this is great. Lets see, Television manufacturers, because they make you sit still for long periods of time, knowingly causing you not to exercise.

We can sue Chair manufacturers for making comfortable chairs too, that cause you to sit around to much.

Where will this stop?

And not just any chairs! Lazy-boy chairs!!! Why the very name promotes sloth :p
Nutritional info can be had in the US as well. Sometimes, it's even posted on the wall. BK cured me of my cravings for bacon-double cheeseburgers, onion rings and chocolate shakes some years ago that way (dang I loved that stuff). I added it all up one day standing at the counter getting my burger to go - enough fat & calories there to last about 1 and 1/2 days.