
kill them too (false accusations are eligible too)

Killing them is letting them off too easily, they should have their dicks cut off...but just because that's the most worthy punishment doesn't mean it's gonna happen.

You're missing our's an extra precaution "just in case". It's not so we can be sluts, or stupid about sex. It's a little extra reassurance that comes without any real sacrifice so there's no reason not to get it.
My point is, it's a precaution that wouldn't be needed with a little self control. Stop acting like animals & these things stop spreading.
My point is, it's a precaution that wouldn't be needed with a little self control. Stop acting like animals & these things stop spreading.

You're still missing the matter how much control WE have all women and men do not have the same self control...we can't control everyone else, but we can protect ourselves against their mistakes.
also, part of how i see it is that there are other vaccinations we get for diseases we shouldnt' get if we're careful, like, if i'm not mistaken, hepatitis B... but no one yells at you for being a IV drug-using slut if you get the vaccine, do they? no... partly because that's one of the vaccines you have to get! so how is that different? i had to get vaccinated for that, does that mean i'm going to go share needles and get tattoos at shady places and fuck everyone in sight? no! and no one insinuates that i am!
but this gardasil stuff, it's basically the same deal, and everyone wants to make a big deal of it. i don't want to die of cervical cancer, and i don't want to take my chances with just being vigilant. people are vigilant all the time and that doesn't stop them from getting royally fucked. because shit happens. and the failure to realize this, and try to do what you can to keep yourself from getting hurt by it, is BOTTOM LINE FUCKING STUPID.
The bottom line is that Gonz is giving most men too much credit by thinking that if they say they are fine upstanding faithful gentlemen they must be so. Winky is simply being a troll.
No one is saying that this vaccine gives you card blanche to be a slut because it does not prevent any of the myriad of other ugly cooties you can get but it does help fight one of the most prevalent ways of getting cervical cancer. If I could get it I would and I am sorry I can not. I will see my children get it while still teaching them that promiscuity is dangerous.
Yes Ash when my Kid came home from the private school
he attended and told me he was supposed to get a Hep B vaccination I yelled:

You are not an emergency room nurse
You are not a combat soldier
You are not an IV drug user
You are not a police officer

You are an eight grader for christ's sake!!!!

Ever heard of thermisol? Do you think it would be a great idea
to inject mercury into an infant? (great idea)

I don't really give a shit what you do, I'm just tellin' ya
if Big Param told you to shoot up cyanide you'd prolly do it.

If there was a vaccine for genital herpes I’d pass on it cuz I ain’t gonna get
the herps. Same for AIDS. But for you who are going to have sex with people
with all kinds of icky things yo’d better get your shots yes indeedy Do!
Tonks I've never screwed around and neither has my wife.

Not EVERYONE is crap, ya know?
I do know...but unfortunately not everyone is as golden and sometimes you don't find out until it's too late.


I don't think I'm a bitter person but I do think that some people put TOO much faith in mankind.
and that my dear

would suck!

AIDS is a death sentence!

Yes, AIDS is a death sentence and if there was a vaccine to pretect against HIV I'd get that too...for the same reasons I'm gonna get this shot.
Well then have fun having sex with people with STD's?

There's one sure fire way not to get STD's ya know?
Tonks I've never screwed around and neither has my wife.

Not EVERYONE is crap, ya know?

well, it seems that as time goes on, people like you and your wife get more and more rare, sad to say.

id rather not trust anyone else with, you know, my ability to remain living.
Well then have fun having sex with people with STD's?

There's one sure fire way not to get STD's ya know?

Yeah the one sure fire way not to get any STDs is to never have sex, ever, with anyone.

You can think I'm a slut and that I sleep around all that you want, I know that's not the truth and the people who know me know that's not the truth.
You can think I'm a slut and that I sleep around all that you want, I know that's not the truth and the people who know me know that's not the truth.

amen, sistah

and it bothers me so bad that it's like, "oh, you support gardasil? you must be a raging whore". that's the kind of response it seems i always get. no one can think past that. because only raging whores get std's, right? yeah, most of the population must be raging whores.
but you still need that shot!
in reality you were supposed to get it BEFORE
becoming sexually active Duh
fortunately, i don't mind padding people's pockets in the name of my safety.

and duhhh they didnt have this vaccine then. that's why tonks is being a good mother by seeing to it her daughters will be protected.