
It's only the last year that I've known about this vaccine...actually, the reason I haven't rushed out to get it is because I haven't been sexually active since before I heard about it. Ideally you get it before you're sexually active but as long as you've never been exposed it's still fully effective, if you've ever been exposed to HPV the effectiveness decreases but it can still have benefit.

I'm with Ash, I don't mind padding people's pockets in the name of my's only money, my life is worth more to me than a couple hundred bucks.
The link that you posted says HPV can cause penile cancer in men...I dunno how true that is. Also, ignoring the cancer thing, men can contract and get symptoms from HPV...not only women. As far as I know there is no vaccine for men though.
I've got a cervix! I call it Jeannette!
I told it to get a pap smear and it told me
I could go get one instead!
Well there you go not a shot but:

Because HPV is so common but usually invisible, the only sure ways to prevent it are not to have sex, or to have sex with only one uninfected person, who is only having sex with you. You can lower your risk by limiting your number of sex partners and choosing partners who have had few or no sex partners.
and even though it can be a problem with men, i think it's more of a problem with women. lots of women have died of hpv-caused cervical cancer... i would wager, fewer men have died of hpv-caused cancers.
if men died at the rates the women have, i'm sure there'd be a gardasil-for-him available also.
Well there you go not a shot but:

Because HPV is so common but usually invisible, the only sure ways to prevent it are not to have sex, or to have sex with only one uninfected person, who is only having sex with you. You can lower your risk by limiting your number of sex partners and choosing partners who have had few or no sex partners.

That's true for all STDs...other than the ones that cause sores and the like it's hard to know by looking if someone has an STD...not having permiscuous sex is always a good idea, no matter what precautions you're taking :shrug:
but no one yells at you for being a IV drug-using slut if you get the vaccine, do they?

Hell yes, but that's another thread.

tonks said:
The bottom line is that Gonz is giving most men too much credit by thinking that if they say they are fine upstanding faithful gentlemen they must be so.
No ma'am. I'm saying that men will take as much as women give. Give less, demand more & you'll see civilized bahavior return. At the moment, I'm sickened by the lazy worthless trash that todays male youth is until I see what slutty worthless trash todays female youth is. There is no longer pride & prejudice in ones choices.

nixy said:
I do think that some people put TOO much faith in mankind.
Perhaps. However, by the same token, if we took the time to engage in conversation instead of coitus, for 6 months or a year, we'd have far fewer STDs & the faith could be somewhat restored.

All humans begin as animals. Rise above the lowest common denominator.

The wimmins I went out with that did not put out were far more intriguing than those who did.
Jeebus Gonz you sound like some throwback to the 50's.

Your approach will never work in today’s day and age.
C’mon get with the times yer kids will rut like hogs
just like the rest of them, better get em their shots.
I loved being a slut. What we passed around (not personally) could be cured by penicillian. :shrug: