Guess I was wrong about Wiccans


Well-Known Member
Wiccans symbols allowed on grave markers in government cemeteries

The Associated Press
Monday, April 23, 2007

MADISON, Wisconsin: The Wiccan pentacle has been added to the list of emblems allowed in United States cemeteries and on government-issued headstones of fallen U.S. soldiers, according to a settlement announced Monday.
A settlement between the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Wiccans adds the five-pointed star to the list of "emblems of belief" allowed on VA grave markers. Wicca is a nature-based religion based on respect for the earth, nature and the cycle of the seasons, but variations of the pentacle have been used in horror movies as a sign of the devil — a usage not accepted by Wiccans.
"This settlement has forced the Bush Administration into acknowledging that there are no second-class religions in America, including among our nation's veterans," said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which represented the Wiccans in the lawsuit.
Eleven families nationwide are waiting for grave markers with the pentacle, said Selena Fox, a Wiccan high priestess with Circle Sanctuary in Wisconsin and a plaintiff in the lawsuit.
The settlement calls for the pentacle, whose five points represent earth, air, fire, water and spirit, to be placed on grave markers within 14 days for those who have pending requests with the VA.
"I am glad this has ended in success in time to get markers for Memorial Day," Fox said. Memorial Day is celebrated in May.
The VA sought the settlement in the interest of the families involved and to save taxpayers the expense of further litigation, VA spokesman Matt Burns said. The agency also agreed to pay $225,000 (€165,965) in attorneys' fees and costs.
The pentacle has been added to 38 symbols the VA already permits on gravestones. They include commonly recognized symbols for Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism, as well as those for smaller religions such as Sufism Reoriented, Eckiankar and the Japanese faith Seicho-No-Ie.
The American Civil Liberties Union said the agreement also settles a similar lawsuit it filed last year against the VA. In that case, the ACLU represented two other Wiccan churches and three individuals.
VA-issued headstones, markers and plaques can be used in any cemetery, whether it is a national one such as Arlington near Washington or a private burial ground.

See, I'd been under the impression that Wiccans wouldn't go to war.
Seems to be the idea behind most religions, although not everybody takes that part seriously.
Thou shalt not murder has been translated to thou shall not kill.

Quite a difference.

As far as wiccans go...they sacrifice goats & people all the time. Why wouldn't they go to war?
no they really don't but that don't mean they ain't tards.

i went to a lesbo-wiccan wedding once, and despite my "tolerance," it was super fuckin' stupid... "let us now salute the east wind." yeah, up yours.

later i threw up.
No, really. I saw some wiccans (it said so on their I AM WICCAN t-shirt) killing babies (little white babies) and feeding them to other babies (little black babies) & then they cut off this goats head, sucked the blood & started feasting. Something about cloven hooved goddess of oaken magic over leftists rebels or something. Then, the next day, the Chechyans beat Putins army. It was facinating (well, the part about sucking th juice from the goats testes was a wee bit disturbing...but, hey, to each their own, right?
no they really don't but that don't mean they ain't tards.

i went to a lesbo-wiccan wedding once, and despite my "tolerance," it was super fuckin' stupid... "let us now salute the east wind." yeah, up yours.

later i threw up.

Well, I didn't throw up, but a reasonably accurate assesment otherwise. Of course, I think that about all religious observances and beliefs. :shrug:

As it happens, there are a number of such folks among the people I know. In general, If you don't get them involved in religious discussion they're just like everyone else. Sorry Gonz, no babies or goats sacrificed.

Many of them are a bit peeved at me currently because I won't partake of a reiki healing. No more than I will go sit in a freaking tent and let some loud, obnoxious ass hit me in the forehead and scream, "The power of christ compels thee!"

"Blessed be." :grinno: (I just cant say that with a straight face)
Sacrificing sheep (and bullocks) would be an ancient christian thing. Fucking sheep, on the other hand...

AFAIK, the Christian church has never advocated the sacrifice of animals of any type. The Jewish faith did, at one time, but not Christianity...
AFAIK, the Christian church has never advocated the sacrifice of animals of any type. The Jewish faith did, at one time, but not Christianity...

You're right, of course. I just tend to think of the bible (old testament and new) as a christian thing, differing as it does from the jewish one.
You're right, of course. I just tend to think of the bible (old testament and new) as a christian thing, differing as it does from the jewish one.

The Old testament and the Torah are supposed to be the same. Since I can't read Hebrew, and most of my Jewish friends didn't teach me anything besides Yiddish curses, I'm arsed to say that they are the same...
The Old testament and the Torah are supposed to be the same. Since I can't read Hebrew, and most of my Jewish friends didn't teach me anything besides Yiddish curses, I'm arsed to say that they are the same...

The Torah is just the first five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) and it is pretty close. They start to differ a bit more after that.

Hebrew Bible Translation in case your interested.

Yiddish curses are okay but I think Arabic is the real language of cursing. It sounds like they're telling you off when they're telling you what a fine, upstanding fellow you are. Some of the slavic languages aren't too bad for it either from what I've heard.
I like French for cursing - you never know if you're being called a fucktard or attending Sunday services... :)

The terms are pretty much the same