Guess the Movie

tap tap tap..........

Ok i'm going to do a really hard one now.

I challenge any of you who think yourselves knowledgeable of film.
If you feel you are not properly sedated, call 348-844 immediately. Failure to do so may result in prosecution for criminal drug evasion.
Blessings of the state, blessings of the masses.
Thou art a subject of the divine, created in the image of man, by the masses, for the masses
Nope & Nope

This hint is going to shame you all back into your little holes because you're still not going to know what it is.

This 1971 film directed by Francis Ford Coppola and starring Robert Duvall cost George Lucas $700,000 to write and direct.
I am so wise and filled with knowledge(pats self on back and returns to state of nirvana)
It's actually a very good movie, Even disturbing. Every bit as good as 1984, brazil or fahrenheit 451. I've seen it thrice and would watch it again. Bravo plays it every once in awhile.
I really didn't like Brazil and fell asleep halfway through. I read Farenheit 451 but never saw it and I have yet to finish 1984. Ever read Anthem by Ayn Rand? If not, I highly reccommend. :bgtup:
no idea of the film but having struggled to make it half way through the fountainhead i would hope her writing ability improved in the anthem
didn't know the quote. knew the hint. :D

#1:It's clotted! Five quarts of blood turned to powder! There isn't an organism on earth that could---
#2:You mean, there didn't use to be.

another old science fiction movie....
ris said:
no idea of the film but having struggled to make it half way through the fountainhead i would hope her writing ability improved in the anthem

I never finished The Fountainhead either. :D

Anthem is a small book, and really interesting. Read it in high school for a Modern Lit class and I really liked it. I remember the movie somewhat and that it was hokey. I wouldn't watch it again.
Spot, The Andromeda Strain?

BTW, I knew THX-1138, I've been away. Hex is right, excellent flick. Thought provoking and strange.