Guess the Movie

DFisherman said:
Good Morning,

Since it's been a while, I thought I'd put up another film quote trivia.

Here's the quote:

"Uncle Sam don't give a shit about your problems. You want bread? Then go fuck a baker."


- DFisherman

Alright then, as there are no takers. The movie is "To Live and Die in L.A." (1985).

Any one else has a quote?


- DFisherman
Gato_Solo said:
:hmm: Did you google that quote? :hmm:

Yes...and post a quote of your own, please.

No, I had a roommate that was into that stuff and I had to suffer through that movie. :drink:

Here's mine:
"What you got back home, little sister, to play your fuzzy warbles on? I bet you got, say, pitiful, portable picnic players. Come with uncle and hear all proper! Hear angels' trumpets and devils' trombones. You are invited!"
AllEars' said:
No, I had a roommate that was into that stuff and I had to suffer through that movie. :drink:

Here's mine:
"What you got back home, little sister, to play your fuzzy warbles on? I bet you got, say, pitiful, portable picnic players. Come with uncle and hear all proper! Hear angels' trumpets and devils' trombones. You are invited!"

A Clockwork Orange.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit. :rolleyes: What a bunch of slackers.

To get this thing going...yet again... I have a real easy quote...

Aristotle was not Belgian, the principle of Buddhism is not "every man for himself", and the London Underground is not a political movement.

Good luck. :p
Psst... Lopan...

greenfreak said:
Here's the deal...

Someone posts a quote from a movie. The next person who guesses it correctly posts their own quote and so on. A few rules to keep it going:

1. NO GOOGLING. That's called cheating. Please be fair. :)
2. Anyone can confirm that a quote is correct if they're sure or have checked it against or something like that.
3. If someone guesses it right but doesn't post a new quote in the next 24 hours, it's up for grabs to the next person who posts after the day is up.
4. No posting quotes out of turn.
5. If a quote is up for more than 24 hours, the person who posted it has to say what it is and give up their turn.
6. Clues can be posted if the person who posted the quote wants to
But, I'll guess yours too... Apocalypse Now. :D

...I'll go find one, be back in a minute.