Guess the Movie

Haven't seen it.

Me niether...nor would I want to unless those penii were accompanied by a suitably larger contingent of female breasts and/or vaginas. It's just not a good movie without a blatant display of female anatomy...
I didn't want to see it because the older I get, the less I care about teen movies. But I kept hearing about it and we ordered it. I was pleasantly surprised, it was quite funny. You need to be in the mood for a bunch of potty humor though.
I didn't want to see it because the older I get, the less I care about teen movies. But I kept hearing about it and we ordered it. I was pleasantly surprised, it was quite funny. You need to be in the mood for a bunch of potty humor though.

If I'm in the mood I can stand teen comedy but it seems like I'm in the mood less and less these days.

Goddamn kids anyway!!!
No, not Jackie Chan. A bit more current than that. ;)

You weren't referring to Chris Tucker were you?
Crank -- Jason Statham. Odd little movie but I really enjoyed it.

A little more mainstream but even more current...
Character one: You must be just about out of bad guys by now.
Character two: You must be very satisfied with yourself.
Character one: I have my moments.