Guess the Movie

I think he said that in just about every movie he's been in, hasn't he?

"A Fender Stratocaster, strung upside down for a left handed motherfucking genius, Jimi Hendrix."
Stupid movie but that didn't stop me from watching it more than once. :D

person 1: I wonder how long someone can survive down there.
person 2: Seven days.

Fairly newish movie (just came out on video) so I'll give you a hint right off the bat: The original was made in Japan; this is a remake.
greenfreak said:
And I'll take the pasties off when the war is over.

thats it!!!! im sending copies of WIN ME to iraq just to cause their comps to crash thatll help end the war sooner!!!!!!!!!!! must end war now.
you called?
or 'rang,' if you will..
The movie is The Ring

Heres my quotes, also a newer movie .. a good one at that :)

------And there's Bernie, lying on the couch, drinking a beer and chewin'. No, not chewin'. POPPIN'! So I said "If you pop that gum one more time..." And he did. So I took the shotgun off the wall and fired two warning shots...into his head!-------
This is probably too easy, but I love this movie so here it is:

Person 1: "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses."

Person 2: "Hit it!"

If this is too easy, I'll think of another one
Your right! That was kind of easy. "We're on a mission from God."

The Blues Brothers!!!!!!! I love that flick.

Here's another easy one:
He said, "the new sheriff's a-comin'."