Guess who's coming to dinner?

:laugh: I love that song.

Man, I thought he would have gotten an insanely early start to get up there already. Last time I had to drive almost as far, I got on the road at 4am. I prefer early morning driving.
he just called...he's twenty minutes past Syracuse, whatever that means :confbang: He's done 300 miles he figures...with 281 to go.

He did start out early but had a bunch of beaurocracy issues that held him up till 4 or so :tardbang:
Still waiting on BLC to accept our bid. Apparently all the major banks have split in two to protect themselves. That way, if there's an infection or quarentine, they only lose half their staff and service.
oh that's charming :eh:

well...the couch is there if you need it...and dinner's at 6

Syracuse, huh? He's still in NY. Syracuse is the red star on the map... Looks like you'll be up for a while yet.

Nite nite for me. G'nite all. :wave:
he's getting there...I'm gonna crash on the couch soon and wait there for the doorbell :D

thanks for the map, GF
take a grade 12 algebra book to bed in a dimly lit'll be out in no time ;)
Probably won't work. I need to learn that stuff anyway though. Too bad I don't have one. :mope:
Ok...I got here about 3:15 AM but Leslie wouldn't let me in because I was nekid....So I had to go back out to the car and put a sneaker on...:tardbang:

It sure was nice to hug her....:D
Can't find the mitten...thats why I was nekid...:tardbang: I tried to hit on her this morning, PT. But she was busy on the computer. I think she was admenstuating or something... :tardbang: