gun questions

Luis G

Staff member
i know there are different types of bullets and guns for a given caliber (like magnum or special).

what's the deal with that nomenclature?
I don't know why they call a .38 Special "special". They call a .357 Magnum cause there's a shitload of powder behind it. You saw how long that cartridge is. A .357 is essentially a .38, but with lots of powder behind it.
and the caliber is in decimal units of an inch? :confuse3:
what about shootguns? (Caliber 6,8 and 10 i think)
Shotguns are measured in gauge. I forgot all the technical mumbo jumbo as to how that works. It has something to do with how many 1 oz shot of lead pellets can fill the circumfrance of the end of the barrel or some crap. Like 12 ga would be 12 pellet deals.
Your most common shotgun gauges will be the .410, 28, 20, 16, 12, and rarely a 10 gauge. They go lower than that, too. The lower the bigger it is.
i learned more about guns from working in the sporting goods dept and from this thread so mitch for the info i thank you as i did to the customers who told me about some facts on guns. thanx mitch
back to the topic, do you guys have some law that forbids certain types of guns?
Some states ban certain types of guns. Most don't completely ban them, but they make youjump through hoops to get them. Like register them, pay a higher tax 'n stuff. Like full autos are legal, but you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get one. Same with a grenade, or a silencer.
ohhhh i didn't know you had to pay taxes for owning a gun.
and basically you are saying that there's no military-use-only gun? (like AK-47, AK-74, m8 or m6?, etc)
I can buy a full auto M-16, or AK-47 if I wanted to. But, it's not worth the price. First off, you have to apply for a permit to own one with the federal gubment, if your local sherriff approves you, then you have to register it with the federal government(BATF), There's a $200 tax, and a brand new full auto M-16 would cost me about $10,000 dollars. That's a fuckin new car, man! So it's not too practical. But, I could get a full auto Uzi for around $2,000. It depends on the type of weapon.
We pay sales tax for all guns(and everything else..), but only the "special" full auto tax of $200 for the kinds that they don't want you to have.
Fully automatic guns are illegal without a special permit nationwide.
States can regulate various types and ban sales outright. Massachusetts is a good example. Guns are very hard to obtain there.
Cities can also ban weapons... New York for example. Weapons are sold.. but buying then is almost impossible.. carrying them is forbidden.

There are also some weapons that are considered to be assault weapons and are no longer sold. I have one of them.
"Assault weapons"(which really isn't cause they're not select-fire) are sold, they're just not allowed to be manufactured with the certain "evil parts" like bayonet lugs, flash suppresors, pistol grips. You can have 1 of those "evil parts", but not more.