Guns? We don't need no stinking guns

I've fired both and yes the 53 in 5.56 NATO
is rather hard to manage in full auto

but I've never been partial to the 9 x 19 mm NATO anyway

so do you have a 92 strapped to your side right now?

or just a beat up 16?
Cool, but I still maintain that the ability to actually hit what you shoot at is far more important than rate of fire. :p

BoP? Uzi's arent' really all that great.
it is ALL about getting hits on the target

But I did get some sideways looks at the range
one day when I unloaded a 30 round mag thru
my AR as fast as I could pull the trigger then
proceeded to pull the same stunt with two more (I've got five of 'em).

nearly all the rounds hit in a neat lil cone of fire
SAW style at the two fidy range

"that'll keep their heads down fer sure til the JDAM gits 'em"
Well, I coulda threatened them with an m-16 but there's less guarantee that they'd get my threat. :shrug: You're probably right though, a baseball bat with nails could be more painful... *speculative look*
Under absolutely NO circumstances will anyone that is:

A: in their right mind


B: wants to remain employed

C: threaten a fellow employee with violence using a firearm

in Amerika

what with all the post office workplace school shootings here even the hint of weapons in most werkplaces will
be cause for dismissal or at least close scrutiny

Yeah threatening to shoot the place up with an automatic weapon really ain't advisable here.

But at least all our bars aren't non-smoking yet... heh yet
You really need to post that manual. Sounds like a good read. Absolutely no workplace fun at all, but a good read.
Next time you're down, I'll bring home my copy and let you read it. It's a gas, until you have to abide by it. :D
Yep. The right to bear arms doesn't extend outside your property without a carry-concealed. And in Georgia, I can fire you for any reason not constitutionally protected - or for no reason at all.
HomeLAN said:
Next time you're down, I'll bring home my copy and let you read it. It's a gas, until you have to abide by it. :D

That "no wine or beer at lunch" thing would be a deal breaker anyways.
HomeLAN said:
Yep. The right to bear arms doesn't extend outside your property without a carry-concealed. And in Georgia, I can fire you for any reason not constitutionally protected - or for no reason at all.

...which is covered very early in most employee handbooks (it's the very first section after the introductory statement in mine). It's known as "at-will employment." You can leave at any time, for any reason, and they can fire you at any time, for any reason. The terms in the employee handbook must be accepted for employment and anyone who does not agree to those terms is certainly welcome to find employment elsewhere.

And, upon checking my handbook, it too specifically prohibits me flashing my piece in the office. Item 9 under "prohibited conduct":
9. Carrying firearms or any other dangerous weapons on Company premesis at any time.