

Well-Known Member
For them or against them ?....why or why not?

When does having a gun go from protection to power? people own a gun and use protection as an excuse to hide their real motives? also should guns be barred from homes with young childern or stupid, impressionable teens? Should the age limited be bumped up for gun owning?

Thoughts and comments?
Guns are a tool. Those who think differently are either misinformed or zealots. Both are dangerous.

Children need to be taught how to handle any weapon with care & respect. I grew up with them & never shot anybody (on accident).
Children need to be taught how to handle any weapon with care & respect. I grew up with them & never shot anybody (on accident).

Well in the south there is program to get the little uns aquainted with the guns, small rifles. Kind of disturbing when viewed in person.
guns serve a purpose and i think people should be able to have them...for hunting. i don't see why your average joe blow should have an ak-47 or whatever the coolest gun is these days. whatcha hunting with those? those guns kinda creep me out.
Anyone seen Bowling for Columbine? It presented some excellent views on gun ownership and the over abdundence of gun and love for them in the citizens of US.

However, it seems at times to presented a very biased view of guns... that the whole documentry only explores views seen only through a anti-gun ownership believers eyes.
Well down here in the good ol' land of oz we don't have the rght to bear arms :( we aren't allowed to own anything other than pistols, and even then theres restrictions on model, rate of fire, etc.

Of course that doesn't stop alot of people getting guns :evilcool:
Well so far we had a gun thread, and a brief discussion about use of lethal force in the debate thread.

One point I didnt make in either place.

In the states in areas where legal concealed is permitted, everyone carrying a gun isnt the stereotypical redneck, power hungry, idiot, vigilante that the anit-gun folks want you to belive they are.

In my various time at the gun range, on the job, and elsewhere i've encountered lawyers, doctors, engineers, research scientist, firemen, profeseurs, house wives, and everything in between who carried guns.

These folks were very skilled with there weapons, regular shooters, all practiced exemplary gun saftey, all were "expert level" on the laws concerning their guns, use of deadly force, and all practiced the rule of "stay out of situations that you will likely ever need a gun for and hopefully youll never have to use it"

Thes folks were often younger than police men Id see, had better vision than police officers Ive seen, were much much much better educated than police officers Ive seen, and many of them were much much better marksmen than police officers Ive seen.

They were not vigilanties, they did not look for trouble, they lead very normal (exemplary really) lives. They were not paronoid, and no one around them even ever knew they were taking this precautions.

Now, lets look at the typical personality and background of the average police officer:

Many of them have nothing more than a high school education. Many of them are rednecks. Many of them are on a serious ego trip. Many of them got into law enforcement for the "thrill seeking" and ability to push people around. Many of them DO FANCY THEMSELVES AS VIGILANTIES. Many of them are corrupt, lying, and criminalistic, manipulative, power hungry people. Research shows that the same personality type that goes for the life of EXACTLY THE SAME PERSONALITY TYPE THAT CHOOSES LAW ENFORCEMENT.

Now, multiple times in multiple threads I have seen people say things like "the law will protect me", "only the police should have guns", "thats what the cops are for" etc etc.

For many local PD, sheriff, etc whatever. The hiring qualifications are not that strict, the back ground checks not that detailed, the training not that good, etc etc.

So for those people who made the "police only" point....well I may be a bit rude here but you may want to pull you head out of your ass and re- think your whole rationale on that.

Who do you want next to you? A power-hungry, uneducated hot head with very little skill and experience, or the lawyer or physician with a very calm head, great skill, and expert understanding?

Id choose Dr Brown over Barney Fife any day of the week!
4-year-old fatally shoots sister, wounds brother

LANDOVER, Maryland (AP)
--A 4-year-old boy who found a loaded gun in the house shot and killed his 5-year-old sister and seriously wounded his 7-year-old brother Saturday, police said.

The children were home alone at the time, police spokeswoman Cpl. Diane Richardson said.

"It's a terrible situation that probably could have been avoided," Richardson said.

Neighbors called police and the girl was taken to a hospital, where she died. Her 7-year-old brother was in critical condition at another hospital. Authorities said the parents were at one of the hospitals late Saturday, but it was unclear which one.

The 4-year-old boy was in police custody late Saturday, Richardson said.

"We're still trying to determine where the parents were," at the time of the shooting, she said.

Richardson said the parents could be charged for leaving small children unattended and for leaving the gun where the children could find it.
Richardson said the parents could be charged for leaving small children unattended and for leaving the gun where the children could find it.

Fucking irresponsible assholes! :mad:
Buttcrackdivine said:
Anyone seen Bowling for Columbine? It presented some excellent views on gun ownership and the over abdundence of gun and love for them in the citizens of US.

However, it seems at times to presented a very biased view of guns... that the whole documentry only explores views seen only through a anti-gun ownership believers eyes.

yes but its not the guns he sees as a problem he even says hes a member of the NRA. he sees a problem in our society as being violent. In Canada, he even says there are far less murders there and the all have guns. Japan has a unique rule. you can own the gun but not the ammo(or something to that extent)
fucking Landover?? that not too far from where I used to live! shit! thats kind of scary. hope protective services takes the kids to another home thats responsible and arrests the parents.