GWs biggest failure


molṑn labé
Staff member
Not stopping the Mexicans...they've even brought an army

While the White House refused comment, a spokeswoman for the DHS said her department is in ongoing discussions with the Mexican government about the incursions.

"We – the Department of Homeland Security and the CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) – are determined to gain control of the border and will continue to collaborate with our partners on the border,'' Kristi Clemens told the paper.

The document indicates since 1996, Mexican military personnel made their way into the U.S. at the following Border Patrol sectors:

San Diego County, 17 times

El Centro, 58

Yuma, Ariz., 24

Tucson, Ariz., 39

El Paso, Texas, 33

Marfa, Texas, 8

Del Rio, Texas, 3

Laredo, Texas, 6

Rio Grande Valley, Texas, 28.



New Member
Didn't we invite a few 1000 of them into the gulf region a few months back?

Were they trying to sneak in using military uniforms? Deserters be they? Spies or typical migrants?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Katrina liked Mexican Army men ;)

There's been a lot of underreported cross border skirmishes with the Mexican Army recently (helping illegals & drug runners, etc). They're now apparently skirting the border, just for fun.