HA! I'll be the last person in the year 2003 at OTC!

wrong,but I was too busy to post earlier. :crying4:(had to take a quick sleep before going into my cleaning contract.BTW what kind of morons have a wedding New Years Eve :lloyd: )
my parents-in-law had their wedding new years eve. the marriage license would expire the new year, so they went ahead and used it when they could instead of having to get a new one. *lol*
If you wanna go west, stop at the Alaskan islands in the Beiring Straits...they're so west some of them are tomorrow
Actually i believe all of the aleutian chain is covered under Alaskas time zone. The time zones have been stretched to fit although the aleutians do reach far beyond Siberia and possible even as far west as Japan(have to see an accurate map to be sure). There was a time zone change when i was a kid if i remember correctly. We here in southeast were for some years under pacific time until someone(state/government) payed off the town and they agreed to a time change. I don't know the details but it would be interesting to know just who governs the rules of time zones.

Tis a maddening jumble. I would rather take a whack at my hand with an oyster mallet than try to make sense of it all.
I think that is one of the most confusing charts I've seen in a very long time :tardbang:
They may have changed it but there was a time that Alaska had America's farthest west, north & east points while Hawaii was the farthest south. All because of 1 or 2 islands in the chain being over the IDL.
Australia has the weirdest time zones I've ever seen...Seems to have nothing to do with east/west there. Just pick the time you like. :D
Leslie said:
why is the Z way over in the middle like that? :confuse3:
Do you mean: Why did they use Z as the middle starting point or : Why is the goodly part of Greenland seemingly on 'Z' time?