HA! I'll be the last person in the year 2003 at OTC!

:retard: I think they put it there because "Zulu Time" sounds soooo much cooler than "Greenwich Mean Time"
Squiggy said:
:retard: I think they put it there because "Zulu Time" sounds soooo much cooler than "Greenwich Mean Time"
[blondespacyvoice]why do they call it ZULU time? isn't that an african tribe or something? is that why?[/blondespacyvoice]
The charts were drawn up by and primarily for the use of her majestys navy. Therefore it would stand to reason that some military/nautical termnology would slip into the mix. 'Zulu time' as Squig said, is the term used for GMT by the military and commercial sailing vessels the globe over. ...probably because 'zulu' doesn't phonetically logjam with the 100+ dialects in the world. can you just imagine a Chinese freighter captain trying to say 'Greenwich Mean Time'? Zulu is a simple 2 syllable utterance by comparison.

I guess it can be filed under 'just one of those things'.
I'd guess it would sound like "grin-rich" if a Chinese freighter captain tried to say it. :D
How would you suppose a Chinese frieghter captain would do Star Wars outtakes?

Red five standing by.. : Led flyve 'twanding bwye