Gato_Solo said:
She's good at bringing this stuff up, but she never provides a solution. It's easy to find a problem...why not try fixing it?
unfortunately I'm not in touch with any "higher power(s") to be able to achieve such a miracle...if you find me his/her phone number, could'ya let me know? theres a lot of explaining to do...

/sarcasm. if you please...
Hmm, let me explain....
being the exsistential/postmodern princess that I am - I don't actually
believe there exists a
solution to ANYTHING. In my eyes, attempting to find the "solution"
is most of the problem....
To believe in an ultimate 'solution', to me seems to be an even greater fault than having the social concience which manifests itself in picking at all of lifes problems. If you look from modern history to ancient history it is quite clear to me that every so-called "solution" only results in further "problems" so to partake in an effort as finding a "solution" would be a waste of effort. In fact...if there ever was a solution - continuing to be active and vocal and not afraid to challenge dominant opinion would be it. There is no such thing as a "perfect solution" My aim isn't to offer a solution, it is to be concious and actively thinking and critical about the problems, and to continue doing so.
Some thought communism was a "solution".... some thought the U.N to be a "soultion"...and wait for it,
...some even still think the Iraq War to be a "solution"....
see- subjecting myself to thinking that there can ever exist a simple "solution" would mean lulling myself into the aura of illusion like most people do - and that, my friend, just wouldn't do. I'm not "most people" and I believe in an authentic existence, not one based on false ideals that are designed to cover up the truth. It is quite an
obligation, in fact not to take the easy path and attempt to offer a straightfoward solution...
Being a philosopher, I have a problem for every solution.
- Robert Zend