halloween costumes

Do you have trouble getting them to take the damn costumes off? V2.0 keeps trying to wear her "princess" costume to school as a dress.
I've got a 9 year old that still comes downstairs as Batman from time to time.....

Ok, I see the princess, but what is that green thing supposed to be?
Professur said:
Do you have trouble getting them to take the damn costumes off? V2.0 keeps trying to wear her "princess" costume to school as a dress.
they were a bit upset but thankfully it was a warm day and those costumes are a bit on the warm side.

PT - the green thing is a dragon.
Ok, I see that now, is little bit supposed to be the girl from Harry Potter?
Professur said:
Do you have trouble getting them to take the damn costumes off? V2.0 keeps trying to wear her "princess" costume to school as a dress.

PuterTutor said:
Ok, I see that now, is little bit supposed to be the girl from Harry Potter?
nah...just a little princess.
before i cut their hair i thought marlowe would make a good hermione. i was planning on sewing cloak and krimping her hair but with the short hair it wouldn't be the same.
I am going to dress up. my bat wings, whips and glow in the dark nail paint and make up. S/M Demon again.
Very unflattering costumes.

The shorter ones looks like a demented mother in law and the taller one looks like a walking chew toy.
i'm probably going to be something gothy. i thought of being some type of witchy enchantress thing.
i also thought of going as bettie page, but that might have to wait til next year when i have longer hair and have worked on my figure more.
We have an annual adults only Halloween party at our house. A lot of people dress up for it. A bar I used to play at in Tucson had a theme party every year for Halloween. My favorite one I was there for was 101 Dalmations. The bar owners (husband and wife) were the mom and dad dogs, ne was the she and she was the he. She had a huge pair of balls and a "marital aid," ne nad eight platex bottle nipples down the front. :lol: We always had fun. Favorite one I've ever seen though, was a couple who won the costume party at another bar. He was a traffic light, she was a dangerous curves sign.
IDLEchild said:
Very unflattering costumes.

The shorter ones looks like a demented mother in law and the taller one looks like a walking chew toy.
i don't suppose you have ever been shopping for halloween costumes in 2T-3T sizes. :hmm:
i suppose i could have sewn their costumes myself but...well...i flaked out.
Halloween is a really big thing in america isn't it?

A few kids do dress up round my way and the shops have some bits and bobs in for parties; cakes and what not (ASDA being the main perpetrator but its owned by WALMart!!!)

But it really is a big deal across the pond isn't it?

Must be nice really...

All I can remember is my poor Mum hollowing out turnips/swedes til her fingers bled (we didn't have pumpkins in Blighty when I was a kid... if we did it was for food not a candle holder... too expensive!) Making a witch's hat out of black card and wearing a black bin liner as a dress and cloak and really smelly cheap plastic "witch fingers" from a joke shop... we'd go for a little walk around the village with our lanterns holding Mum's hand... then Dad would drive us through to our gradparents so they could see us "dressed up"...

No knocking on doors... no trick or treating...

This year.. I'll be dressed as I always dress for Halloween dos if I end up going to one... a black cat!
Tell ya what, CB. Dress up in one of those skimpy french maid outfits, and then...:brow:

I promise if you come to my house a treat will be forthcoming. :D
Didn't go out last year, but the year before, I went out as a devil to an Adult party. Was a blast.

Last year, we had JAG dressed up as a Tiger and we worked the door. This year....it might be a Tiger again but we're going to do the rounds. He won't get a lot of the candy that he gets from folx...we don't give him candy at all usually. He's gotten the odd lollypop from family. :shrug:

My favorite costume? Mylsef and a friend of mine dressed up in leiderhosen and other swede gear, added some tubing, some pale makeup, metal boxes etc... and went as the Bjorg. Using cheesy Sweedish accents, our quote was "Ve are the bjorg...yew shall be aszimilated"
i think this year is a disney theme, since princesses are in. my daughter loves mulan, but she's not really a princess. i think my son will be "koda" from brother bear.
She looks like Glenda the good witch. I love the costumes! Did you make those? My daughter was given a store bought mermaid costume which I Am not keen on due to the LARGE amount of Midriff showing.

I have not decided what I am going to be yet, if anything. Being so early in pregnancy makes it hard to fit into anything around Halloween time.
chcr said:
Tell ya what, CB. Dress up in one of those skimpy french maid outfits, and then...:brow:

I promise if you come to my house a treat will be forthcoming. :D

Nah CH... I dress like a French maid day to day!... "dress up" is meant to be different and fun!!! :p :la: