Halloween's coming up

Halloween used to be so fun when I was a kid. Trick or Treating and everything. We used to have a halloween street party with strings of candy hanging everywhere and apple dunking and stuff.

*looks suitably wistful and nostalgic*
mmmmmmm Hallowe'en :licklips:

There's a box of 200 mini bars for $8.99 I've got my eye on (for myself) :choclate:
i wonder why is this "time of the year" so coincident with an ancient tradition of the Tarascos (a native culture in Michoacan). They do what they call "La Noche de Muertos" (Night of the Deads), and they offer gifts to their dead loved ones, as well as a road of flowers so the spirit knows the way back from their home to the cementery.
Hallowe'en - I loved it when I was little and now I relive it through my kidlets. When I was about 6 yrs old, we were so poor and my Mom had to work hard for the little we had and yet she somehow found a way to get me the Casper suit I so desperately wanted. That's one memory of my Mom I hold dear. Anyways, I make it a point to make sure the kids get to dress as anything they want this time of year.

Do you (or would you) let your kids eat all the candy as quickly as they want or do you only allow a certain amount per day?

I go through the candy and pick out the Double Bubbles.. nothing else appeals to me :D
the ancient Roman Catholic church took over many pagan holidays. X-mas should be in July but they took over the pagan winter ritual
I give out massive candies. Oversized Butterfingers, Kit Kats, Milky Way, Crunch, Snickers, Mint patties ... all piled into a wheelbarrow on the driveway. I'm the hit of the neighborhood. Im thinking of doing wine and margaritas for the parents.
I give out tons, I eat tons too :choclate:

I let the kids kinda binge for a day or so, then I stretch it out so that we usually have a few scraps left the next hallowe'en.

I only really steal the Rockets...can't go hallowe'en without those :eek:
louis, halloween also falls in with some celtic traditions as well. (or so i believe)

Halloween happens to be my favorite holiday. Starting tomorrow I'll be decorating my cube (god i hate that word) at work. It's always fun cuz people aren't sure how to react to the fountain of blood and the skulls with candles on them.

If I only I could go back to New Orleans. That's where I spent Halloween two years ago. I swore I'd go back every year and just haven't been able to. *sigh*

, be careful, you're becoming stereotypical. I've never met a gay man who didn't love halloween. D
The boy have already decorated the house with all their bats, pumpkins, and ghouls. I think they love it as much as I.
Ummm... Casper the friendly ghost (my costume as a kid for a few years running) and double bubble and bottle caps! That just makes me all happy inside! D

Ards and I will occasionally have a halloween party for family 'n friends, although we haven't done one in a couple of years. Otherwise, we don't usually give out candy. We would, but we live in the boonies and have never gotten trick or treaters. So we end up eating any candy we get.

Hey ! Drop by my office sometime. I have some skeleton and grim reaper lights you can use to decorate your workspace.
unclehobart said:
I give out massive candies. Oversized Butterfingers, Kit Kats, Milky Way, Crunch, Snickers, Mint patties ... all piled into a wheelbarrow on the driveway. I'm the hit of the neighborhood. Im thinking of doing wine and margaritas for the parents.

Georgia, Hmmm. I could still make it. Margarita's? See you in a month, Unc.
gonz meet my bf, he doesn't care for halloween. but i never thought of halloween as a "gay" holiday. but then, with some of the drag queens i've seen, it's halloween all the time. scary....

as for new orleans, i've never had so much fun. lorrimar and i went into Pricilla, queen of the quarter, and lorrimar (who is straight) was getting drink discounts from the bartender. it was the cleanest bar we where in the whole time we were there. when we left a bunch of guys on the balcony called down to us and when we looked up the threw us a handful of flavored trojans. i couldn't stop laughing, but that mighta been caused by the three hand grenades I had consumed.

janimal alright, I remember where the building is, can i just walk in and ask for ya?

[b said:
]halloween also falls in with some celtic traditions as well. (or so i believe)

celts are a debated thing so i'm not going into that but pretty much all traditional pre-christian european religions are now what are termed pagan. as gonz points out the catholics cleverly 'borrowed' the existing festivals to fit the 'new' religion.

as a consequence the pagan new year, samhain [ph. sowayne] became all-hallow's eve. yule [winter solstice] became christmas, imbolc [immalc] became candlemas, eoster [easter], beltane [may-day], litha [mid-summer but might be epiphany], lunasa and mabon[harvest festivals].

many old traditions persist for these festivals; yule logs, easter bunnies and chicks, the may-pole [not popular with the church] and at sawhain the idea of looking back at the past year, the ancestors and dead was transmuted into a day of evil ungodly spirits.
[b said:
]louis, halloween also falls in with some celtic traditions as well. (or so i believe)

Halloween happens to be my favorite holiday. Starting tomorrow I'll be decorating my cube (god i hate that word) at work. It's always fun cuz people aren't sure how to react to the fountain of blood and the skulls with candles on them.

If I only I could go back to New Orleans. That's where I spent Halloween two years ago. I swore I'd go back every year and just haven't been able to. *sigh*

it does. supposedly the spirits of the dead would wander the earth to torture the living somehow. thats where the costumes came in. if they thought you were one of them theyd leave you alone as well as your farm or whatever. the trick or treat was if you didnt give them some kind of treat you had something happen to you. or something like that.