Halloween's coming up

Dj - how very .. errr... special of you ...

ku'u - we should make ourselves Wonder Twins costumes! :D
[b said:
]gonz: meet my bf, he doesn't care for halloween. but i never thought of halloween as a "gay" holiday. but then, with some of the drag queens i've seen, it's halloween all the time. scary....

It's a kids holiday to be sure, not a gay holiday. I've just known too many gays who lost their minds around 10/31. Of course, fat white chicks seem particularly interested in it too. :lmao:
Djcake said:
nalani said:
Dj - how very .. errr... special of you ...

imagine a person 6'3" tall 230lbs dress as Michael Myers comming towards you in the pitch black night :D

*prefers to only think of a man 6'3" tall 230lbs coming towards me*

Gonz said:
[Of course, fat white chicks seem particularly interested in it too. :lmao:

This is probably going to get me into a lot of trouble, but most of the "fat white chicks" I know are fag hags anyway. I guess it seems to follow they'd be into whatever we (gays) were into as well.

Such as losing our minds...now where exactly did I put that damn thing...

We have to give out candy. Every year, there's a parade in my neighborhood. All the kids in cotume come out and march, along with dogs, wagons, parnets, and at least one model T that a guy in the area rebuilt. It runs right down my street and stops directly in front of my house every year.

That means we get a HUGE deluge of kids, giving out 3 punds of candy in about 15 minutes. Then nothing, the rest of the night. If we had nothing to give out, we'd get lynched.
I don't, and haven't since leaving my moms house, live in the 'burbs. In the city, there seems to be a massive let down on kids trick-or-treating. Are you folks saying that's not the case in the hinterlands? This was true in LA & even here in family-friendly Ft Wayne.
Too many truly sick bastards around that delight in putting foreign objects in the candy, or worse...
HomeLAN said:
We have to give out candy. Every year, there's a parade in my neighborhood. All the kids in cotume come out and march, along with dogs, wagons, parnets, and at least one model T that a guy in the area rebuilt. It runs right down my street and stops directly in front of my house every year.

that is sooo cool. Halloween is a big deal in Waimea where I used to live. It's hard for the kids not getting to go back for a second year in a row (why isn't the day-after-Halloween a holiday??? :D) We have dinner all laid out buffet style on one side of the garage and if we see "family" or close friends members, we yell out to them "come and eat!" hehehehehe ... Hmm.. maybe I can call in sick on Friday ... and the kids don't need to go to school ... *thinking hard*
My kids school has once again caved to PC. This year, instead of Halloween parties, we will be having a "Fall Festival" so we don't exclude students who do not celebrate Halloween. I personally think it's just a bunch of bullshit.