Hamas feeling nervous


100% Pure Canadian Beef
ANALYSIS: Fatah, Hamas send message via prisoners' plan

By Zvi Bar'el, Haaretz Correspondent

For the past three days, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh have found themselves trapped in a scenario drafted by Israel. Both leaders have been declared responsible for liberating Gilad Shalit, the soldier who was abducted in Sunday's attack on Israel Defense Forces troops stationed along the Israel-Gaza border. And both now share a rival other than Israel: local organizations in Gaza and organizational leaderships outside the territories.

In addition, the Palestinians now face the threat of the Israeli army, which has set the stage for a massive invasion of Gaza. This threat forces Hamas and Fatah to decide whether to present a united front that opposes Palestinian attacks within Israeli territory, or to disintegrate separately, lose control and pass the leadership baton to the commanders of the Gaza streets or Hamas leaders abroad.

The decision to deal with the prisoners' national unity document quickly can be seen as a message that Fatah and the local Hamas leadership want to transmit to Israel. The Palestinian leadership that will arise on the basis of this document appears likely to become an acceptable partner  if not for diplomatic negotiations, then for cooperation on joint issues, including security-related ones. It might therefore be able to delay or remove the threat of IDF action.

Hamas government spokesman Ghazi Hamed said that the document could even change the policies of Europe and the United States, meaning that from his perspective, it is likely to lead to a removal of the boycott.

The changes introduced into the document do speak about the establishment of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, but do not recognize the "legality of the occupation." This phrase could either mean the Israeli occupation of the territories or the "Zionist occupation of all of Palestine."

In other circumstances, a Palestinian unity government could have functioned as a way for the Hamas government to win free of the boycott. But on the eve of what appears to be a war in Gaza, it is probably too late to sign the prisoners' document. The question now is to what extent the local Hamas leadership can convince Shalit's kidnappers that the abduction contradicts the document and is liable to endanger Hamas's ability to stay in power.

turns out rolling out the tanks opened their eyes that condoning the kidnapping of an israeli soldier might not have been such a smart move.
Ya think?

Maybe that Canuckistani philosophy of sitting on our asses and waiting for someone else to fight our battles for us ain't the way to go after all?

Maybe, JJUUUUUUSSSSTTT maybe, the realization that this is a war and not a dog and pony show might just impress on these murdering bastards that they could DIE?

Could it be that at long last the key issue might be the fighting of a WAR, and not whether a civilian was killed?

Nope. Never happen. Not anymore.

Nuke 'em and bring our heroes home.
Gotta respect the Israelis. They know how to take care of business.
Those guys rock:

"In a clear warning to Syrian President Bashar Assad, Israeli warplanes flew over his seaside home near the Mediterranean port city of Latakia in northwestern Syria, military officials confirmed, citing the "direct link" between his government and Hamas. Israeli television reports said four planes were involved in the low-altitude flight, and that Assad was there at the time."
SouthernN'Proud said:
Ya think?

Maybe that Canuckistani philosophy of sitting on our asses and waiting for someone else to fight our battles for us ain't the way to go after all?

Maybe, JJUUUUUUSSSSTTT maybe, the realization that this is a war and not a dog and pony show might just impress on these murdering bastards that they could DIE?

Could it be that at long last the key issue might be the fighting of a WAR, and not whether a civilian was killed?

Nope. Never happen. Not anymore.

Nuke 'em and bring our heroes home.

??? this has to do with Israel, what your heroes?

and what canadian philosophy? just cause we only get involved in JUST wars and don't jump on the warmongering US bandwagon?
Gaza militants say fired chemical-tipped warhead
Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:38 AM BST
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GAZA (Reuters) - A spokesman for gunmen in the Gaza Strip said they had fired a rocket tipped with a chemical warhead at Israel early on Thursday.

The Israeli army had no immediate comment on the claim by the spokesman from the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, an armed wing of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement.

The group had recently claimed to possess about 20 biological warheads for the makeshift rockets commonly fired from Gaza at Israeli towns. This was the first time the group had claimed firing such a rocket.

"The al-Aqsa Brigades have fired one rocket with a chemical warhead" at southern Israel, Abu Qusai, a spokesman for the group, said in Gaza.

An Israeli military spokeswoman said the army had not detected that any such rocket was fired, nor was there any report of such a weapon hitting Israel.

Wow things are heating up over there.

Could this be the opening phases of another mid-east war?

Hmm time will tell...
paul_valaru said:
just cause we only get involved in JUST wars and don't jump on the warmongering US bandwagon?

But you'll sure take that added security you filch from having a bully next door, won't you? Allows you to sit up there and criticize without fear of reprisal. Except for a couple rednecks on the web, and hey, they don't matter. Why fight your own fights when you can let US do it for ya.

Buncha wusses.
Winky said:
Wow things are heating up over there.

Could this be the opening phases of another mid-east war?

Hmm time will tell...
At what time in your life (in fact since the Ottoman Empire) has there not been a mideast war?