
How do you give a handshake?

  • SQUEEEEZE until blood circulation is cut off

    Votes: 24 100.0%
  • Very firm

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Grabbing person's hand, not really squeezing, not really letting go

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No pressure... just let that person do whatever

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't shake hands.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Mhh, I hate it when someone gives a pathetic little handshake by just "touching" your hand... How do you give a handshake?
depends on whos hand i'm shaking. bit of a difference between a 30ish male co-worker and an 89 yo greatgrandmother.
firm, but not "shaking fast" the other person's hand, i hate that.
Firm if a male, soft if a woman. I heard women like it firm aswell, but I cannot help myself to wonder I would smash their fingers :confuse3:
AlladinSane said:
Firm if a male, soft if a woman. I heard women like it firm aswell, but I cannot help myself to wonder I would smash their fingers :confuse3:
Not unless they have severe osteoporosis. I always grip firmly unless they're old like Gon... err, like over 70 or something. Guy or girl, a firm handshake is best. For me at least.
I anticipate - hesitating a fraction of a second to see what thiers is like and I match it.
Gaunt said:
*Quote from Tommy Boy* "Brother's don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!"
Yeah I hug and kiss my friends, those that are comfortable with it. Other than that, I shake hands.
I'm a firm handshaker, but I only reall do it to people that I don't know well. Usually older people as well.
I prefer nice, firm, steady over soft jello-ish jiggly... handshakes, that is :D

Although I tend to squeeze a bit harder when I shake a guy's hand. If he seems like a wimp, it's kind of the universal man-speak for "Don't try anything funny or I'll knock your teeth so hard you'll be sitting on the toilet to get them out.", but if he squeezes back harder, I kinda tend to be the hell out of there ASAP. :bolt:

Old guys I will usually greet with a salute of some sort (e.g., two-finger salute from the forehead) before the handshake.

Old women most of the time will screw the handshake and go straight for a hug, even if they never met me in their life. Makes me feel strange. Bad strange. So if I see old women in the vicinity, if I have a chance, I either make a run for it, or if I must greet them, stay at arms length and pretend to cough when they go for the hug. :headbang:
Somewhere between very firm and no squeezing... depends on who it is and how bad my hand hurts (RSI, sucks, blegh)
Humility is the key. I Always keep a small distance between myself and the person i am meeting. I begin by bending my upper body ever so slightly forward with my arm extended in front of me, i proceed by gently taking the individuals hand and pulling them into position towards me with a firm grip allowing for my lips to lock theirs and concluding with my tough tasting the contents of their stomach. Now wasn't that a pretty picture?
No really, i usually introduce myself with a gentle mannor for men and women and only after you get to know me better will you find out that i'm really a loud mouthed agressive son of a bitch.
lol @ Hex

You can tell a lot about a person by the way they shake your hand. I always give a firm handshake, doesn't matter who I'm shaking hands with. If it's a frail older person, I wouldn't hurt them or anything but if you have a wimpy handshake with a woman because you're 'afraid of hurting her', she's just going to wind up thinking you actually are a wimp.

Now, I don't know how men are supposed to shake hands but if you're shaking their palm and not the tips of their fingers (I hate that) and you're not squeezing to the point of pain, that's acceptable to me, woman or man.

The one time this guy tried to show me what a man's handshake was supposed to be like, his fingers turned white from squeezing. I don't think that's normal but if it is, I don't see the point. Unless it's a power thing. :rolleyes:
I have 20 different handshakes depending upon the situation... most of them based upon comdey. I used a comedy one on ya Trish. Do you remember what I did?