Handwriting thread.

I can read all the samples submitted. Some are more difficult than others until you get the hang of it.

Guess reading all those 7th grade papers paid off.

My hubby's handwriting I describe as 'drunk chicken tracks.' When he wrote letters from Vietnam, it would take me a week to decipher them.
Here ya go.

If anyone's interested in seeing the notes I keep for a high school football game (final score was 62-15)...
So, 23's best friend's boyfriend is a lefty, so when I was hanging out with him on Sunday, I asked him whether he started at the top of the line or the bottom. He said the top.

I'm having an identity crisis... is there no one else that writes like I do?
If anyone's interested in seeing the notes I keep for a high school football game (final score was 62-15)...

no damned wonder you reporters can't get the story straight. You can't read your own notes.